Chapter two

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''I can't believe him!'' Valentina exclaimed as she scanned page after page of the documents she had received from the bastard who goes by Levi Greyson.

''He's unbelievably self-absorbed, unacceptably rude, and snakily deceitful.'' She continued her rant when she didn't receive any response whatsoever.

''I told you, he's perfect for you.'' Katherine stated matter-of-factly.

Katherine Pierce, or as she prefered to be called, Kate, is one of Valentina's partners at their firm and a close friend of hers. They met years before, back when they were both associates at Davis Johnson Smith- one of New York's best law firms. They met and it was like they'd known each other for ever, and so they became friends. Together, they made their way up to the top and started their own law firm.

Katherine came from an entirely different world. She was the daughter of two succesful businessmen, and therefor was obviously loaded growing up. Yet, Kate liked to manage her own way around. She liked to be independent, and accepted no help from her parents.

She was a modern-day Lorelai Gilmore, except with red hair and actual knowledge of condoms.

Kate went to Harvard, where she met Levi Greyson. They have been close friends for years and years, and Kate has been trying to set Valentina up with Greyson for years and years. Needless to say, Valentina has point blank refused to go out on a date with Harvard's ultimate frat boy jack-ass.

Valentina rolled her eyes.

''How is self-absorbed, rude and deceitful perfect for me?'' Valentina threw her hands in the air in exasperation.

''Look at you! It's been two days since you've met him and he's still on your mind. Never have I ever witnessed a man clouding your mind for so long- scratch that, I have never witnessed any man ever clouding your mind at all. Besides, he's totally perfect for you. You're so uptight and he's basically sex on legs- and sex, my friend, is what you need.''

Katherine looked like an angel. She had natural red hair and bright blue eyes with a twinkle that never seemed to disappear. So her straight-forwardness never failed to surprise Valentina. Kate had a mouth as colorful as her hair. Even after all those years Valentina has known her, Kate's colorful mouth always seemed to startle her.

With the way Kate looks, you'd never pegged her to be a criminal defense attorney. You'd think her too nice to defend a criminal- or even argue at all. But you couldn't be more wrong.

Katherine's a beast in court.

It's funny actually. How Kate's first impression usually is one where people think highly of her- she's nice, smart, a good girl from a good heritage. But then she opens her mouth and all of those assumptions go out the window. And suddenly, you'd think of her as a loud mouthed girl who'll probably end up in prison herself eventually.

When in reality, she's a loud-mouthed smart woman that kicks ass in court. She knows how to manage her way around and won't allow others to knock her down a peg.

That's her job.

''He's on my mind for all the wrong reasons.'' Valentina said quietly. It was true. Valentina hasn't had a man on her mind for a long time. The last one being in high school. Now, 7 years later at age 25, she had become the ultimate cat lady- but without the cats.

Valentina had to work very hard to achieve her goals. She didn't have parents who could pay her tuition, or a trust fund she could rely on.

All she had, was a student loan.

Needless to say, she had no time to waste on boys after high school. Not that she ever felt the need, so far she's had only bad experience with them.

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