Chapter six

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''What do I have to do to make you forget that night?''

It took Levi all the power he could muster not to show the confusion he was experiencing at that point. He knew Valentina would get annoyed with his ignorance. But when he didn't reply and just stared at her for a good few moments, she felt like she had to repeat her question anyway- something that gets her all kinds of annoyed.

''That night, Levi.'' She said in a frustrated, but hushed way. ''What do I have to do to make you forget what happened- what I told you.''

And then it hit him.

The night Valentina got drunk enough to commit a crime. It was then that he realised the only reason she agreed to this date was to do damage control over the situation and make sure he wouldn't rat her out.

It. Fucking. Hurt.

Even though she phrased it like a question, it was more of a demand than anything else. But Levi knew that Valentina felt vulnerable in the situation they were in and that her behaviour was just her trying her damnedest not to show that vulnerability. And even though Levi was in this mess just as much as she was- since he actually used the information she gave him- Valentina still felt like he had the power to ruin her career.

How she could think he'd do that to her, was beyond him. And the fact that she thought so lowly of him frustrated him. But he made the educated decision not to act on that frustration. It would only ruin things for him.

Instead, he was going to use the situation to his advantage. A sly smirk crept on his face as he spoke.

''It's simple,'' He said, ''I want you to forget about work and have an actual date with me. And after this one, I want another one.''

He watched her raise a perfectly arched eyebrow as she just stared at him for a few moments.

''You're kidding.'' She said.

''Dead serious.''

And then he witnessed something he hadn't expected to happen. She got angry.

''Is this a joke to you?!'' She hissed in a hushed voice. ''We're in actual trouble, you idiot, stop being a child for once and take this seriously.''

Levi was at a loss for words. He thought he was being nice by going easy on her. He did nothing to deserve this kind of reaction from her- if anything, he deserved a fucking blowjob in appreciation.

But then, Valentina was never one to be predictable. And Levi knew that he wouldn't have been as intrigued by her as he was if she didn't react the way she did.

''Loosen up, Valentina. I am being serious. I haven't told anyone about how I got the information. As far as anyone else knows, I'm a genius who found that evidence all by myself. And I assume you haven't told anyone as well. It's our little secret.'' He said, wiggling his eyebrows at his last comment.

Valentina wished she didn't catch the innuendo.

''I won't tell anyone, if you don't.'' He added when she stayed silent.

Valentina hated herself for being in the situation that she was in. It sucked. But what really killed her, was the disappointment she felt towards herself.

But even with the anger, disappointment and frustration she was feeling, Valentina forced herself to think rationally. All she had to do was agree to his stupid fucking suggestion and she would be in the clear.

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