Episode #19

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Ever since I was very little, I have had this recurring dream.

I am sinking into the depths of the cold, dim ocean. More and more water is separating me from the surface. I am submerging endlessly, my thoughts disappearing one by one. Yet my consciousness remains awake, waiting for something.

And then, someone rises from the abyss, approaching me gracefully and fast. Someone big and immensely powerful gently pushes me up, heading for the surface. And soon I am wallowing on my back, with the void of starry sky spreading out above me. This instant the feeling I am floating amidst the stars engulfs me, overwhelming every last feeling and thought I have.

I realize that the being that has pushed me up to see this is still there. Even the greatness of this vast world cannot completely overshadow his presence. Is this his memory? Someone cherishing it must be deeply in love with the Universe.

Who are you?

The stars were getting brighter and brighter, more dazzling and blinding, until I closed my eyes tight, only to open them again to the intense hallway lights.

"Ah, you're awake!" I heard Eyuran's cheerful voice, his speech sounding funny due to his several missing teeth. Then I saw his blood-covered, one-eyed face.

"Are you all right, rjgnis?" Another fragmented visage hovered above me. "Don't go fainting on me now after putting on that kind of performance."

You are the one to talk.

I sat on the floor and threw a flock of my hair back. "Was I out long?"

"No longer than a minute," replied my cousin. And they both helped me up. Eyuran had his Node back online. My siSystem showed another Node presence not far from us and slowly closing in. Uncle Orewen! Aunt Rifa was offline, but at least I knew she was fine.

I was truly hoping to see one more Node. But there was silence.

"Now that I see you up close, you do both look somewhat alike." Baro scratched his head. "Tch! It's truly a shame! If only that idiot hadn't shot her—"


I was also kind of relieved he was not the one who had done it. Regardless, he was there when it happened.

"Take me to Mom."

He nodded. "Mom, huh..."

Before we took even one step, we heard weird noises. Orewen finally appeared from around the corner of an intersecting hallway, covered in sweat and breathing hard, slowly making his way here from the depths of the ship while hugging the wall so he wouldn't fall. His expression suddenly became even more painful, but as I soon understood, it had nothing to do with his traumas; the huge disappointment on his face was because everything was already over before he got here.

I sighed, breaking the awkward moment. Men are so troublesome.

"Well, Baro, go help him! He's barely standing."

When we all reached Orewen, instead of relying on the Medan's shoulder, he knelt and tightly hugged us both, Eyuran and me. 

FALAHA'S JOURNEY: A Spacegirl's Account in Three MovementsWhere stories live. Discover now