Episode #79

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Wen became absolutely obsessed with sucking the last drop of consciousness out of my mind's copy in his grand delusion of total control. Why did he decide to turn on me in this critical moment, I wasn't entirely sure of it, yet I had some ideas.

No, I'd expected something like this to happen, so I'd wrapped my most precious possession in an additional and thick layer of protection, hiding all traces of the original and leaving only a tiny channel for energy consumption right from the Jainaa core. Exactly how the Maok were doing it.

I could be wrong about all of this to do with his personal reasons, though, and something might simply have happened on the other end of Somg—his second body could have gotten into some sort of trouble.

So I carved me enough time to explore and deal with this, and I had to secure the lives of my enemy, since the rushed killing of these two could turn into a true disaster for my people. That came with our minds getting entangled though.

Of course, I was surprised to learn that these two Baali were actually cooperating. For now.

Dorgu was marching in silence on my right, and Shaamta reserved a place on the left. With me being somewhere barely above the level of their knees this arrangement got uncomfortable for everyone soon enough, so my position eventually switched to Shaamta's right shoulder, though it felt kind of awkward at first, and Shaamta's clawed hand even held me by the legs so I wouldn't fall down.

"You are not planning to jump into his mind, are you?" Shaamta asked me while we were walking through the desert landscape that belonged to the memories of both Baali and had found its way here through Dorgu's memories in my soma.

"So you are aware of who we're dealing with, aren't you?" I replied with a question, holding onto the long locks of his thick black mane. "And how else do you think to get to the bottom of this?

"Well, you could say so. Though I did not expect the kid to be so dangerous. If I knew, he'd be long dead."

Dangerous? You have no idea, really.

Still, Shaamta truly was the person to watch out for—my smallest vulnerability would cost me my life.

"You two are partially responsible for this, you know," I said.

"Girl, you do realize that none had lived after saying things like this to us?" Dorgu muttered in a menacing voice.

"Yes, of course, Yajur, I have plenty of records and first-hand experiences to favor your immediate execution," I told him.

Shaamta smirked. Dorgu wasn't pleased, yet he said nothing.

"I have no responsibility for stuffing that guy into you," Dorgu's Sangu replied. "But I can't tell you I wasn't interested in his brains myself. Well, I guess we have to thank you for not letting him eat us."

"Don't worry, he can still eat your body. That was his initial plan anyway."


"So, Yajur-i-Sangu, entry points or anything of a sort, they have to be here—this is my copy's territory. Keep your eyes wide open."

So I said, but what exactly would an entry point be like?

I looked at the star of the Maok above our heads—and hoped it wasn't that thing.

This was probably going to be tough, even for my hostag... reluctant companions.

Bloodthirstiness wasn't too apparent in both at the first sight, yet it was there, lurking at the bottom of those green eyes, irresistibly slipping from under that smile, reverberating through their movements and breathing through every cell of their bodies. They'd butchered enough people that I could feel it with my entire being, even in this soma space. Compared to Baro these were real murderers.

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