Episode #36

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Scattered fragments of the world were calling out to each other so that the world could become whole again. I was a tiny fragment about to fall into place and return the world to its indissoluble state. Unknowingly, I had already begun walking this path.

Left, right, left, right, left... My cold feet were soaking in the ethereal warmth of a recent broad blood trail on the floor. Of course, the blood was already frozen, but at that moment I wasn't able to perceive reality normally. And my feet were burning as I followed the trail of death.

"I'm not going anywhere!" he said, leaving us with a weapon in his hands, as emergency boarding proceeded in a hurry. "Leave me be!" he yelled at his terrified son and my father, both of whom were the only ones left trying to talk sense into Yaren to return aboard, because everyone else was too scared to approach this man, enraged to the point of insanity. There were already several trauma casualties among the crew. "I'm too old! I have a couple of years left to live, so nothing to waste here!" He pushed Orewen away, kicking him to the ground. "Don't try to stop me, you annoying squirts!" His suddenly powerful fist landed on my father's ear, making him lose his balance, before both were able to grab Grandfather and drag him inside the ship. "Respect your elder's wishes and get out of here already!" It felt as he was saving his last strength for this particular day. "I won't stand seeing them taking any more of my kids!"

It was the first time I ever saw him being so irrational and out of control. He must have been in pain. An old and deep wound was now open and bleeding. Yet he possibly knew 'revenge' was meaningless and he could do nothing, except go on his last hunt. Was this his desire? Were there other reasons for his odd behavior? It was difficult to imagine what exactly was going on in his head and in his heart.

And Uncle Orewen was hurting as well, watching his father's breakdown.

That time I began to feel our immovable happiness crumbling and slipping away through my fingers like sand. Nothing was going to be the same again. Did I fear change?

Everyone eventually complied, but I secretly followed Grandfather. I had the advantage of still being tiny among giant people and could slip under their noses unnoticed. With my Node sleeping, I became transparent. And, of course, I became disrespectful and no good at obeying orders. And, apparently, I even forgot to put on my boots.

I followed, because while watching him like this something started calling out to me.

Left, right, left, right, left, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap...

I cannot begin to imagine how terrified my parents were when they found out I was missing. Eyuran was the first to notice I was gone and alerted everyone. It didn't occur to me that I would inflict on them the same pain Grandfather had known. Not only that, but I also delayed the departure, endangering everyone. That was the worst and stupidest thing I have ever done in my entire short life. Yet my feet were moving on their own and my mind lost track of time, searching and searching for him.

But I was too late.

That thing was faster.

I thought I had forgotten something important. Now vivid in my memory again, I could clearly see the Hunter was different from the ones that destroyed Quennah—bigger and stronger, with black geometrical markings on its neck and chest. Staring at me from the darkened corner of the half-destroyed warehouse hall, the creature was feeding. It wasn't blind. And I could hear bones being crushed by its massive blood-covered jaws.

It also had the guts to attack me.

If only I could have gotten here faster, I would have made sure Grandfather returned to the ship with me. Then Orewen and everyone else wouldn't have been so sad.

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