Episode #74

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We left Tjrnenagh and made a stop at the Boneyard on a mountain of ship scrap. The people we had left there were under the protection of my and Wen's soma space, so we could roam free around Enclaves to carry out our plans.

Baro shared all the Baali/Maok transcripts with Eyuran, even my head-talk with Wen, so they both knew pretty much everything that was going on around my existence. It didn't intimidate them, though.

"So my guess is you two are still going with me."

"Absolutely," both replied simultaneously.

"How do you do it?"

"What?" Again simultaneously.


"Oh." Again!

We laughed.

Wen, get your spit ready. "Change of plans, nan-i-rjg. We go get Mom."

"Not plants?" Eyuran asked.

"Forget those for now. Sibhainagh is about to engage two Enclaves. Big Aunt is in trouble." I showed them the data Wen had gathered for me on Anika's ship, on Garai's fleet, and on two parts of Shaamta's fleet he had found while we were getting ready to go.

Sibhainagh was a huge offensive-type vessel that combined functions of a carrier and a gear, and, unlike any other class of warships, this one was tailored specifically for a Mechmaster. Its crew consisted only of six people—the five Kernel siblings and Anika herself. Built up from millions of separable segments that could function autonomously, Sibhainagh was an unstoppable army of gears and other machines, controlled by Anika alone and backed by two of the Kernel brothers, while other three Kernels carried out the ship's regular functions. Depending on combat type, the ship was able to act as a massive orbital weapon or disassemble into countless mechanical troops, the infamous 'one-woman army'. At its size, Sibhainagh's versatile structural system wasn't an easy target. A lot smaller than a Baali ship, Sibhainagh was powerful enough to wipe out an entire stellar system. And as persistent as our Big Aunt was, she could do quite a lot of damage even to an invulnerable Enclave or two. Big guys didn't intimidate her either. It wasn't the size that mattered.

I had no doubts regarding Anika's terrifying combat abilities, but I needed Garai there for a reason.

"I've sent their coordinates to Yajur Garai, and I've sent a message to Aunt Anika that help is on the way," I continued. "So don't get surprised if we're contacted by a big angry Baal sometime soon to—"

I didn't get to finish my thought. We had incoming soma link, so I revealed myself, accepting the call.

"Who are you?!" the low male voice roared when I relayed everything to listen through our devices. This was definitely the voice of a big, mature Baal.

Wai, Garai pissed. He scary, scary when pissed. Shouts out loud.

"—confirm a few things," I finished speaking and whispered to my men, "Did I mention he is blood-pissed angry?" And replied to the Baal, "Greetings, Yajur Garai. I am Falaha. I sent you that message for I require your immediate assistance."

"Require? Who are you to require?" Garai's angry explosion stemmed from the fact that he had no control over the connection. With Wen's help, I had intruded into his soma without permission while hiding the source of our initial connection.

Wen showed us the memory stamp of Garai in a fury. This Avlaora Baal was bigger than Shaamta, with a huge bush of a long white mane that even grew into a short, pointy beard framing his massive lower jaw. In an emotional burst, Tagai's green-eyed face resembled his father's a lot. Though Garai was the owner of a piercing, bright yellow-green gaze.

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