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His heart burst as the warm situation swelled in his chest and made his stomach twist. His hands slightly trembled as he turned the page. 

His face flushed with red as his mouth curled up into a smile. 

"AAAWWWWWWHHHHH! THEY ARE CANNON!" He screamed in joy as he held up a B.L Manga falling backwards on his bed.

"EREN!? Is everything okay?" His mother open his bedroom door.

"I'M fine!" He smiled from ear to ear. 

My name is Eren Yeager. Currently I'm 15 years old. My life is pretty ordinary. 

"Eren! Hurry up you're gonna be late!" His mother called.


Expect I'm a total B.L closet nerd. ( ;=  =)~slight blushes*


I wont go as far to say I'm gay or anything... (6 . 6) 

*Face flushes as a B.L couple pops into mind.*

( 0 ) //////( 0 )

Uh scratch that...I'm totally gay 

(== _==)

It just melts my heart reading B.L Mangas.

( 0)  \/  ( 0)

Eren ran out his bedroom as hearing, "BYE SWEETIE! LOVE YOU!" His mother calls down the hallway.

"BYE!" Eren calls as he smiles and leaves from his home.

I can't believe I'm in High school already. People say how scary it is. But I'm not worried at all. 


Eren turns to see familiar faces.

"Armin! Mikasa! What's up!?"

"Uh do you have to be so loud?" Mikasa stated as she borrowed her mouth in her scarf.  

Mikasa Ackermen we've been friends since we were one. So we are practically siblings. She's a bit on the expressionless side but she's strong and dont take shit from anyone.

"Sorry, I can't help but to be in high spirits for this school year!" Eren smiled. 

"Well that's good you're in high spirits!" Armin said with a gentle smile. 

Armin Arlert, we've been friends since we were kids. He used to get picked on a lot which pissed me off. But his a very good friend and his super intelligent. But he's like a girl. He small and little like a flower and his very shy towards others. But they are both loyal. The best friends I've ever had. 

Only one problem...

"Eren did you read that book I lent you?" Armin asked.

"Oh the one about the ocean. Yeah I read it. It's pretty good." Eren says.

They don't know about my secret. 

"Eren, do you know what class room you'll be in?" Mikasa finally spoke as they entered the enterance.

"Huh? I'm in the same class as you, Class A-1." Eren said standing by his locker as he took off his shoes and put on his school slippers.

"Good that's good," Mikasa said with a sigh of relief. 

Sometimes I think Mikasa is weird. But then again I think about myself and if they ever find out...they'll think I'm disgusting. 

"Eren are you okay?" Armin asked titling his head a little. 

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