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It was Sunday afternoon and Eren sat in a stool chair with crossed arms as his face flushed of red, Of all the people who had worked here why did it have to be him?

At the cafe, Armin, Jean, Mikasa and Eren all sat at the Kenny's Cafe sitting in the stool chairs of the counter as Kenny Ackerman worked behind the counters, and while Levi Ackerman glared at the four students as he dried off a mug with a white rag. 

"Sooo..," Levi rolled up his white sleeves as he slapped the white rag on his shoulder as he place his hands on the counter,"what can I get you?"

"Oh, where not here to eat or drink anything," Mikasa said. 

"Then why the hell are you here?" Levi asked. 

"I should ask you the same thing...," Jean said with a slight smirk and a raised an eyebrow as he turn to give a sly look at Armin who sat next to him. 

"Oh haha very funny that your teacher is working part time at a cafe...Just helping out my old man," Levi said. 

"You're old man?" Armin and Jean asked on cue. 

"Here we go again," Eren sighed as he leaned his cheek on his fist. 

"Mikasa...and Mr. Ackerman...are related?" Jean questioned, He looked at the man known as Kenny as he asked,"So, You're Mr. Ackerman's dad?" 

"There's no way I could be Kenny's son," Levi said with an irritated look as Kenny turned around with a booming laugh.

"Aaawwwwhhhh- when are you finally going to accept my fatherly love?" Kenny laughed as he place an arm around his shoulder.

"So, Mr. Ackerman and Mikasa are more like cousins," Jean simply put it. 

"So you work here only part time?" Armin asked his teacher.

"Yeah...this job isn't much but I do what I can," Levi said. 

"Anyway, what brings you kids here?" Kenny asked them. 

"We have some unsettling information that we hope you can help us with," Mikasa said. 

"Oh?" Kenny raised an eyebrow.


Soon enough Kenny along with the gang all sat upstairs at the dinning room where they all discuss about the strange texts and emails. 

"So... first thing's first, I'll need copies of all the emails and text messages you guys have received and I will do some investigating... but in the mean time I suggest you guys to be in groups no less then two or three and be aware of everyone." Kenny said in a serious matter. 

"What do you mean? We have to stuck together, all the time?" Mikasa asked.

"Well yeah if you don't want to be targeted by this unknown person," Kenny said in a matter of fact,"Actually, It'll be best if no one is alone when traveling."  

"Okay, I can give you copies tomorrow," Mikasa said.

"you guys can just email me all your messages and I can print them out here," Kenny said.

"Okay that makes sense," Jean said as they all pulled out their phones.

"Send them to," Kenny said. 

"got it," Jean said as the others forward their messages to the account.

"Now regarding this person...," Kenny began with a sighed as he asked,"Now is there any other messages where one or many of you guys are interacting with this person, personally?"

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