Sky fall

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Eren and Mikasa stood outset of the classroom as the door flow open and Armin ran out of the classroom. 

"Armin!" Mikasa ran after him.

"Armin!?" Eren went to go after him, but suddenly Levi's hand grabbed his arm to stop, as Eren turn to face Levi he felt rage,"What did you do!?" 

Levi released his grip, "Armin is too bright for my classroom perhaps it's best if her were place in a more challenging environment for him," Levi said. 

Eren shook his head as he backed away from Levi, "You never had any problems with Armin before so why now?" 

"Academically speaking he doesn't belong in my room," Levi said. 

"Cut the shit Levi," Eren scold at him, "Tell me the truth," 

"I think he knows," He said his voice was low, his eyes suggesting it was their secret.

"How do you know?" Eren asked. 

"He saw your stupid face that's how," Levi said threw his teeth. 

"Okay, so? ...his not gonna tell anyone," Eren said. 

"Are you sure? He just threaten me and my career, he's manipulative and a very convincing one at that," Levi said. 

"What? ...How could this happen? Just wait, let me handle him," Eren said. 

"His right though," Levi said, "There is a line minors and adults can't cross," 

"Can we talk about this later?" Eren asked. 

"Fine, but class is about to start in 5 mins," Levi said. 

Eren turn as he walked down the direction where his friends went. 

I guess I'm to blame... Levi thought to himself. 


Armin sat in the corner of the hall with Mikasa confronting him. 

"Armin, Are you okay? what happened back there?" Eren asked his friend. 

"Mikasa I like to be alone with Eren for a moment," Armin said. 

"like hell you are," Mikasa spat. 

"Mikasa, please," Eren asked. 

She signed, "Fine," As she turn and walked away from the boys. 

Armin stood up and wiped his eyes, " there somewhere else we can go?"

Eren and Armin stood outside in the back of the gym as Armin wipes his eyes. 

'Are you okay?" Eren asked. 

'I don't know..." Armin said he was mad and sad all at the same time. 

"You can tell me, it's okay,"  Eren said. 

"Is it? is it okay Eren? I know I said we would wait until you where ready to tell us who you like, but this a mess," Armin said as she turn to him in almost a whisper.

"How so?" Eren asked. 

"Look Eren you can like who ever you want, I am more consider about the other person," Armin said. 

"So you know then?" Eren asked, "About Mr. Ackerman?" 

"yes, and you can like him all you want," Armin said, "But..," 

"He's not suppose to like me back right?" Eren turned shaking his head in disbelief. 

"No, you're not listening, you know how bad this is, he can face jail time," Armin whispered. 

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