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With a loud Yawn he stretched his arms as he twisted and cracked his back,"Oh yeah that's better."

"Eren, why are you so tired?" Armin asked as he grabbed his books from his locker. 

"Hmm?" Eren asked half eyes open.

"What'd you do last night?" Mikasa asked she too put her shoes away in her locker.

"Last night?" Eren said, "Uh you know I was busy preparing my notes and making sure I had all my textbooks and then I did my homework and then..." 

I stayed up all night reading another B.L Manga....

"I watched a romantic comedy," Eren lied. 

"Oh really? I thought movies were boring for you," Armin said with a suspicion.

"yeah you know...when I can't sleep I put a movie on to help me fall alseep," Eren said.

"oh... that explains it," Armin said with a chuckle.

"What didn't believe me?" Eren said. 

"No no I believe you, I believe you," Armin said with a giggle.

"Good," Eren said with a smile, Oh what a relief.  

"So Armin, Mikasa, do you guys have plans this weekend?" Eren wondered as they walked in the halls. 

"Boy i can't believe its already Friday. My parents want me to go to Onishigami for my parents birthday," Armin said. 

"Oh that'll be nice to see your grandparents," Eren said. 

"What about you?" He turned to Mikasa.

"My father want me to help out at my uncle's coffee shop," Mikasa said. 

"Your uncle?" Eren question,"You never mention you had an uncle," 

"I actually have two," Mikasa said. 

"What? I didn't know! Why didn't you tell me?" Eren said. 

"Because I too didn't know until recently myself. It seems my father and his brothers stop talking on bad terms. That is until my father found out his older brother along with his wife died," 

"Oh I'm so sorry," Eren said. 

"Its alright. I was told they were bad people. They were into drugs and had a son. But they neglect him and used him on the streets to buy or sell drugs. So I can't be sad about that," Mikasa said.

"..That story is sad alone..." Eren mentioned,"Did they die recently?"

"Actually they died over 27 years ago," Mikasa said,"My uncle's wife died over a drug overdose and my uncle...will was murdered. I'm sure someone murdered him over the drugs,"

"And....this happened 27 years ago?" Eren asked. 

"Yeah...," Mikasa said.

"So you have a cousin?" Eren said.

"Yeah, and I just learn his identity,"  Mikasa said as she walked into the class. 

"Wow, that's crazy," Eren said.

"Agreed. I had no idea my family was secretive,"Mikasa said outloud. 

Eren noticed she looked like she had a lot on her mind.

"hey Mikasa?"  Eren asked,"Well if it's not to troubling perhaps I can keep you company."

"Actually I'd like that," Mikasa said,"But you're not allowed to help me work by any means," She said with cold eyes.

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