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Ever since yesterday at the infirmary... I haven't been thinking correctly lately. 

"EREN!? Haven't you been listening?" Mr. Ackerman scold. 

" LEVI! SORRY!" Eren said in-front of class.

"Levi?" Connie question. 

"Hey, Mr. Ackerman? You're first name wouldn't be Levi would it be?"  Connie wondered.

Mr. Ackerman face palm himself as he sighed as he said,"Yes Connie, That is my name...Although I have no clue to why he is addressing me that," 

"huh...How strange," Sasha said as he looked up with a finger on her chin.

Eren blushed with embarrassment, What is wrong with me!? I keep calling Sensei by his first name! 

I know it's wrong but...

Eren looked up to Mr. Ackerman as he still saw him as a teenager rather then an adult.

I keep forgetting he's an adult!

Mr. Ackerman just rolled his eyes, "okay moving on..," 

Eren did his best to do all the errands of Mr. Ackerman's wishes. As to wiping off the chalk boards and cleaning the chalk erases as to use windox on the windows, taking the classroom trash out, stocking the paper in the copier machine and going through the books of the bookshelf organizing  and separating the old text books that had been damaged from previous students. Soon it was dismissal time and the day as past as quickly as it started.

The dismissal bell had rang as the students packed up their belongings as they walked out of the room. 

"HUh?" Eren looked up surprised,"Had the day went by that fast?" He wondered in thought as he looked around. 


Eren sat at the table in the back of the room as a book tapped him on the top of the head. He quickly turned to see it was Levi Ackerman.

"Hey that hurt!" Eren complained.

"Do yourself a favor and go home," Levi said holding the book on his shoulder. 

"Uh..But I still have so much more to do," Eren said.

"It wasn't a suggestion. That's an order," Levi said sounding a bit strict.

"But-," Eren was interrupted.

"No If's and's or but's," Levi said. 

Eren looked down at his unfinished work. But whose gonna finish all this?

"I can finish that by myself..," Levi said with frown eyebrows. 

"What's with that?" Eren stood up as he said out loud,"You have all this work and you're not gonna let me help you?" 

"I don't need it," Levi said he voice sounded gentle as he looked at the paperwork sheet by sheet. 

Eren stood there getting frustrated, Why isn't he letting me help him? 

He looked down at the stack of paperwork which seemed to be a ton of work.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his head as the hand rubbed and messed up his hair, "Get going well ya, I've already told you you're dismissed," Levi said as he turn his back on him caring the paperwork to his front desk.

With a messy hair, Eren grasp his bag and as he was leaving the room he stopped to turn to Levi who sat in his front desk looking too busy to notice him. 

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