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Armin awoken by the sound of his alarm clock, he jumped to the sound as he slammed his hand on the snooze button. Armin blinked in confusion, "I'm in.... " He noticed he was in his bed, "...My room?" Armin looked down to see he was wearing the same clothes as he wore yesterday, "Great, just perfect," he said sarcastically. 

Admin got up from his bed and changed into something more descent. The memory of what happen in the library stinker in his head, and he felt oddly embarrassed and ashamed. 

Why the hell would I let that fucker touch me? 

IF I see that fucker again... I'll... His thoughts faded, What will I do? Punch him? Start a fight? 

No, I can't not like that anyway. I'll just have to ignore Zander at school... 

Armin thought as he button his shirt as he started at himself in the mirror. 

"Besides, that fucker isn't my time," He said as he grabbed his book bag and walked into the kitchen as he met his parents. 

"Well, its nice to see you this morning," His mother said. 

"I could say the same thing," Armin said mentioning the fact his parents were hardly around anyway. 

"Touché," His father said. 

"So are you guys stays for the day then?" Armin asked. 

His parent turned to each other,"We are staying all week until Friday," 

"Go figure," Armin said. 

"We asked you grandpa to come and stay with you during our next trip," His mother said. 

"Huh?" Armin raised an eyebrow. 

"We just feel awful, leaving you alone all the time," His mother said. 

"...And you're just now bring the grandparents into the picture?" Armin said bluntly. 

"Well, yes, we should have did that to the start but with this new job your father and I are always traveling for work," His mother said. 

Armin just shrugged nonchalantly, he was over the drama. Sometimes he liked to believe he was on his own, "Whatever, it docent matter to me, although it might be nice seeing them," He said outlaid to himself.

He father chuckled,"There you go, now you have something to look forward too," He paused, "So, how is school going for my brainiac?" his father then asked. 

"Well, work isn't hard," Armin said as he sat at the table placing his bag behind the chair. 

"So, high school life training you well?" HIs mother asked as she prepared herself a cup a coffee.

"Academically speaking, its almost too easy," Armin said,"I almost feel cheated, there isn't a single mental challenge," He stated almost looking disappointed, but then he was reminded about the mystery Hunter character as his face of disappointment turn into a grind and he started to laugh, "Well actually the only mind challenge I had come across was a series of strange emails from an unknown character who goes by the time of Hunter," He blinked as she smiled as he turned to his parents with a chuckle," Turns out this Hunter is a catfish or a hacker who is trying to spill the students secrets, but out of all the students this hunter is targeting Eren specifically...which makes me wonder to why," He said as his expression become more spaced out. 

"Armin?" His mother snapped him out of his head space. 

"But don't worry, The principal is involved and so far it's just seems like a weird prank," Armin quickly dismissed the subject. He didn't want to open the can of worms revealing the strange Zander and all of his estrange encounters. 

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