A Sensei's Kiss

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With a heavy sigh his wrinkly hand scratched his bald head as he stared down at some documents he began with a single word. 

"Cancelled," He stated addressing to four students who sat in the office chairs. Among those students their parents or parent who stood behind them. 

"The boxing club is now canceled due to the extreme violence," Principal Pixis paused,"...and as for Annie Leonhardt," Mr Pixis flickered his eyes to her. 

"You are under suspension for a total of five days and must attend Anger management counseling. After the exile of five days Annie Leonhardt will not be allowed to come back to school without a filled out session log written by a therapist or doctor stated you've attended anger management. As for the rest of the members," Mr. Pixis paused,"I want you all to write out an apology letter to the two students which had been involved in the incident and in your letter you must explain the reasons why fighting is prohibited at school."

"It's a Boxing club. We fought in our club all the time--" Annie said. 


"He gave permission," Annie explain.

"IRRELEVANT!" Mr. Pixis spat he calmed himself as he said,"Clubs and other school activities are not meant to promulgate violence! You shouldn't have had a club which did so otherwise! If our school had a boxing team that's a different story. So as I said the boxing club is cancelled and any other flight club will be prohibited," Princepal Pixis said.

"Pixis," Annie then stood up.

"What now?" He asked.

"It's true that I may have cased damage or harm to other students. But don't punish the others base on my actions. They didn't do anything at all," Annie said,"I'll take full responsibly."

Principal Pixis crossed his finger within his hands as she breathed out,"I do like your honestly however...," He paused.

Annie blinked with a small glimpse of hope.

"I'm not changing my mind." Mr. Pixis said crashing Annie's spirit.

"You all have to learn from your actions rather then push them to someone else or take it among yourself who will carry the fall,"  Mr. Pixis said,"With that being said," He rose to his feet,"You all are dismissed." 


Eren had stared at himself in the mirror for 30 minutes before getting ready for school. 

It's not so bad is it? He asked his reflection. 

The swollen had gone down as expected from his parents overly concern and urge to put ice on his face. Which ironically help out a lot. However the bruise on his left eye had turn purple and the welt on his face had reduced in size but changed in color of light blue and purples.

Maybe no one will notice?


"Oh my god Eren! What happened to your face?" Sasha asked as she approach Eren at his locker. 

"DAMN EREN WHAT'D YOU DO!?" Connie chimed in.

"SHIT does it hurt?" Marco asked.

"Eren you look like a blueberry," Historia said.

I couldn't have been so wrong...
(= - =)

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