Teacher's pet

247 11 6

I can't stand it!

Weekends are never long enough!


It was already Monday!

Eren sighed as he miserably walked down the halls of his school.

Dragging along, he eavesdropped on some of the students conversations as they bragged and gloated all the fun things they did over the weekend.

Of crouse it was just natural.

Expect Eren's weekend wasn't fun at all.

On Friday his teacher pretty much called him a toddler while on Saturday...he almost got hit by a car only later having a strange encounter with his teacher...Not to mention Sunday was the worst day of all.

I haven't read a single B.L MANGA since Friday...

Eren thought to himself as he sat at his desk.

Since my stupid hand injury...

My hand was too sore to flip the page.

Holding anything is almost impossible.

I dropped or spilled anything I held. So I just deiced to Hell with it.

So I rested my hand on Saturday night and all day Sunday. Which now feels better since its Monday. So the faster I can get done with school and homework the faster I can jump back into my B.L!

He thought with determination.

"Hey Eren!" Armin called as they took their seat for class.

"Oh hey Armin, How was your grandparent's birthday party?" Eren asked with a smile.

"oh well...you know. They'll alive...so that's good," Armin said.

"What did you expect them to be dead? Geez they aren't even THAT old," Eren said.

"oh sorry..I got this book over the weekend about humor. Sorry I guess went to fair," Armin said slightly embarrassed.

"You're so weird," Eren mumbled over his cover up chuckle.

Everyone sat and took their seats.

Armin turn around in his seat as he asked,"So Eren? How was you're weekend,"

"Oh well...it was alright," Eren said.

But just then Mr. Ackerman entered the class as Armin quickly turned around in his seat.

Well now that I think about it...

My weekend could have been better, but it wasn't too terrible.

I did spend Saturday with Mikasa...

Although we went to see a movie.

But it wasn't terrible.

Mr. Ackerman then began with his lesson.

And ironically for a moment Eren had long forgotten the incident with 'Levi' earlier Saturday.

Moring classes went by with a breeze despite Eren's injured hand it seemed to be way better then he expected.

Eren was flying through the work with ease. Mr. Ackerman's watched him from across the room.

Suddenly the class had an unexpected guests as two students walked into the room.

"Can I help you?" Mr. Ackerman asked.

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