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Mikasa arrived at school on time as usual as she approached Armin by his locker, "Good morning Armin,"She said. 

"Hi," He replied back monotoned. 

She knew Armin wasn't himself, Armin and Even had a little fight after all. She reminded herself, But they can't stay mad for too long right?

Eren was at his locker, three lockers down from Armin. Mikasa turn to Eren, "Good morning Eren," She greeted him. 

"Morning Mikasa," Eren said with a smile. But as soon as he looked at Armin and they made eye contact, their faces changed as they turned away and didn't even greet each other. 

"Oh come on guys is this how's gonna be?" Mikasa replied as she stood in the middle of them. 

Armin looked ashamed and depressed while Eren still held his hands in a fist, suggesting he was still angry at Armin. 

They didn't respond to Mikasa expect, Eren walked away to his classroom. 

Mikasa turned to Armin,"What is going on Armin?" 

"I'm not at liberty to discuss," Admin said as he too walked away towards his classroom. 

Mikasa felt lost, they were going threw something and they couldn't even tell Mikasa? She wanted to walk towards them push them into a room and demand the reasons, but just like the day before, brute force didn't solve anything. And for the first time in a long time she felt useless. This few months that had passed, Eren and Armin had been keeping secrets from Mikasa for a while now. Mikasa didn't know if they had shared these secrets to each other but regardless she has been left out, for sometime now. But whatever it is, it felt as if it was laughing at her, what now?  Whatever was going on between them, I guess I'll just have to wait it out... 

Mikasa walked into the class room as Eren and Armin sat in their desk, but the atomsphere around them was grey and dull. Mikasa sat in her desk as she fidgeted with her thumbs, while her mind begin to plot. But with every plan she thought of to get them closer, crumbled with the memories of yesterday. Forcing them wasn't going to change anything, but perhaps supporting them might helping lessen the pain...?

Mikasa wasn't the only one who notice a change with Eren and Armin. Jean sat at his desk as he could fill the tension between the two thicken.  I wonder if Armin and Eren are like Marco and I now? He thought as he looked at Marco who was talking too Reiner and Bertholdt. He felt also left out as Marco had a girlfriend, and they haven't hangout in such a long time. He turn to look at Mikasa who also looked as if she too was left out for a reason. 

The class went as usual, Mr. Ackerman had started a new lesson while the students took notes, read from their textbook and was assigned homework. But as Jean gathering his note book and folder, his eyes wondered to Eren and Armin. Eren stood by Mr. Ackermans desk as his face beamed with such expression, Jean's eyes turned to Armin who stood up from his desk, throw his bag over his shoulder walking away as Mikasa too stood up to follow Armin. 

I don't know what's going on between them, but whatever it is, it's weird, Jean thought to himself. He too walked out of class as his mind wondered. These pass few months have been strange for our freshman class. First there was that Hunter character, who stalked and targeted Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Me and that Zander guy. What was the point to that anyway? And who the fuck is Zander anyway? Why was he targeted? Jean thought for a moment and he had recalled some of the event from yesterday. Now that I think about it Armin was pissed at Zander for a reason, and Zander respond back to Armin's anger in such an odd way. Suddenly he recalled what Zander had whispered to him,"I tapped that sweet little ass and he's mine..." 

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