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It was never supposed to turn out this way.  Levi Ackerman, a teacher catching feelings for his student and a minor at that. However, Levi had listed the pros and cons of dating Eren Yeager. 

The Cons; 

1.) Eren is a minor. 

2.) A mere high school student. 

3.) It's illegal. 

The pros;

1.) He's cute. 

2.) His holds his heart. 

3.) ... what else?

Levi tapped in pen on the kitchen table of his one-bedroom studio apartment on a Sunday mid-afternoon.

No matter how hard he tried to convince himself to disgusie himself to look like a high school kid, to be with Eren the bigger his guilt and anxiety resided in him. Levi's fears were far too great and he was too righteous to jeopardize his life for a minor. Of crouse, Levi loved Eren. Maybe the only person he had loved. He wanted to be with him but his gutt told him it wasn't morally right at this not at this time. Levi beat himself up often with the guilt. However, the only solution to this godforsaken unfair formalua was to wait. 

Levi had expected this and had plan for this outcome. But is it really fair to Eren? He would have wait for another few years before he could legally be with Levi.  And people would agree that Levi would be leading Eren on for a crouse of years before they are true happy.  It felt unfair to Levi. It's no secret that Levi was not an innocent man, sexuality not or true to crime.  But his thoughts and feelings traveled back to that same discussion prior to the idea of Levi pretending to be a teen for Eren's sake. The idea of disguising and acting like a teen sounded like fun at first. But In his teen years, life wasn't so fair to Levi as he remembered how low he felt and how unforgiving the world was to him. He never dreamed of ever wanting to go back to those years. 


Eren pulled his phone from his back pocket back as he swiped on the new text message he had received. 

To: Eren

Subject: Results

Within our investigation of the Hunter Emails, we have concluded the culprit's identity. Unfortunately, we are not at liberty to discuss or release the identity of the individual however the culprit will be removed from SNK High.  We apologize for your experience, and with the reminding victims, all are qualified to enter into our scholarship program. We thank you for reporting such a crime. 

From:  Director of SNK High Faculty Board of Education

 Eren eyes widen, Board of education, this is higher up then Principal Pixis?  But why? For a student? No, it can't be it must of have been a teacher doing this right? There's no way the Board of Education would involve themselves for just some misbehaving kid. But maybe I'm overthinking things. Maybe it wasn't a teacher but someone else from the school staff. The janitor? The lunch lady? The Librarian? ...

Eren was on edge for the first few minutes, until he reminded himself that the culprit has been caught. Eren was relieved this individual was brought to justice; however the mystery to who and why they did what they did still reminded a secret. 


Eren had received another message.

Please met me at the cafe, I would like to give you my answer.

Eren's heart rushed, and he felt instantly happy when he read Levi's message but Eren was blindsided. 

"You want me to do wait?" Eren frown his brows as he sat in a booth of Kenny's Cafe. 

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