The Talk

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Eren Didn't return to class like he said he would. Instead, he decided to walk home that day. And during his walk he had to reflect on the current situations. A light rain had fell as it washed his hair leaving it too sick on his forehead. 

He was sad and mad he felt betrayed and heartbroken. He wanted to cry, scream, and he wanted to punch the wall. But he wanted the confront of those familiar arms, holding him. And was more he didn't have a single clue on how to go forwards. 

This fucking sucks. 

His mind was running with all the sweet and intimate encounters he had with Levi and along there wasn't a lot nor was it long enough he enjoyed each moment even if it was awkward.

But those tender moments were fleeing and he had no idea how to get them back. Perhaps he will never be able to have those moneys again with Levi, which that very thought made even still as his feet didn't move from the sidewalk. The rain was cold with each drop as he tilted his head up to the sky and let the rain washed his salty tears. His lip trembled as he allowed to cry under the rain water. 

With a sniffle he pulled his head out from the sky and resume to walk. Walking in the rain he surely would catch a cold and walking in the rain while crying will surely make him sick but he didn't care. At that very moment nothing really mattered but the heavy heart  in his chest was aching and recalling those precious moments only hunted him. And his head was fulled with ghostly memories.

He wanted more time, wanted to do more, he wanted to tell Levi how he felt. He wished he had the courage to have a move or take a chance. But there was nothing left to do but to mourn. Not mourning after a person's death but in a way, a heartbreak is kind of like that. And Eren wasn't prepared for the relationship to end.

To end it on just a one sided conclusion wasn't fair. To go back and pretend like everything hasn't change was something Eren can't hide. To dismiss that whatever Eren might had felt, and too disregard those moments because even and Levi can't become anything more. Acknowledging that very thought was painful. But recalling what Armin did to him, there was no real words nor a certain emotion that can define that action. Eren was just heartbroken to it all. 

I'll just have to keep my distance from Armin for a but, but I would like to talk to Levi once more before it all over... Eren thought to himself as he stood outside of a nearby shop hiding from the rain. 

He pulled his phone out from his back pocket and watched as the rain drops fell from his hair onto his touchscreen phone. Swapping his phone open and entering a new text to Levi, he send it as he pulled the phone back into his back pocket. 

During school, the class just dismissed to lunch when Mr. Ackerman reached a text message. 

He turned to his phone, as he read internally in his mind. 

(Can we talk in person sometime?) 

Levi reposed. 

Eren just entered his home as he took out his phone place it on the kitchen table and walked upstairs to his room to change out of his dirty clothes. 

It was on the table alone when the bible notification went off. 

Eren came back downstairs dress in sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt as he walk to his phone to read Levi's response. 

Ackerman: Where are you? 


Levi watched the (is typing) as he tapped his finger on his desk. 

Eren: I went home I didn't feel well. 

Ackerman: You walked in the rain? 

Eren: Yeah

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