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Eren stood there shocked and confused as he stared with widen eyes as a signal tear dripped from his cheek. 

I don't get it... Eren thought to himself. Eren sat in the chair as he waited for Armin to return from the bathroom. But all he kept thinking was that kiss above his forehead and he wondered if it would be the last time he could feel it.  He had been feeling all kinds of feeling all at once; sad, mad, annoyed, awkward, embarrassed... all thanks to someone like his homeroom teacher. It was something he couldn't control and nothing seem to help cope with his uncertainty. And more over it wasn't fair. But this wave of confusion made Eren think. And he then begin to wonder what would Armin do in a time like this...

Armin emerged from the staircase as he sat back down at the dinning room table, he looked up at Eren who seemed to be lost in his thoughts. 

"Eren, you okay?" Armin asked. 

"I'm just thinking," Eren said he turn to Armin as he then asked,"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"How do you feel...about Zander?"


Jean, Mikasa and Kenny found Marco just outside of a shop as he stumbled on the sidewalk. 

Jean and Mikasa manage to squeze through the crowd of people as Jean manage to call out to Macro.

Macro stood with his back turned wearing a black zipped up jacket and wear his hood up, Jean could always tell it was Marco from his wide stance. 

"MACRO," Jean called out as Macro turned with his hands in his pockets. 

As Macro turned to see Jean, Jean stopped to see another person who had their arms enter locked with Macro's.

Soon the crowd of people manage to leave as Jean and Mikasa stood there to see Macro standing with a girl. 

Jean's eyes flickered wide as he saw her. 

What the...?

The girl was shorter then Macro roughly a head shorter who wore her light blonde hair up into two bun pigtails with the bottom of her hair short and down. 

Jean blinked observing the girl, Who is she?

Her eyes pale blue and she had a strange expression on her face as if the two people had interrupted them on their,'date'. 

Don't tell me...

She was a cute girl who wore black ripped jeans a bright pink band shirt and a bright blue leather jacket with white sleeves.

-That they are on a date...?

"uhhh-Jean, What's up my man," Macro said as he chuckled with glee. 

"Macro, we came here to get you," Mikasa said. 

"Macro, who are these people?" The girl said as she turn to look at him. 

"It's alright babe, these guys are my friends," Macro said with a smile as he expanded his arm out to them,"Mikasa and Jean," Macro said introducing them still partly buzzed. 


"Mikasa...Jean, I'd like you to meet..," Suddenly in slow motion, Jean heard the words spilling out of his mouth as he said,"My Girlfriend, Crystal," 


"Yeah, well I think they are here to take me home," Marco said as he turned with a gentle smile.

"AWWWHHH, we were having so much fun together too," Crystal whined as she pouted. 

"No worries, until next time," Macro insured her as he ruffled her layered bangs. 

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