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With light footsteps, Eren walked to school on a warm Monday morning. He had tried to erased the events of what happened on Friday night. But it planted in the back of his head like a virus. Infected with a mixed up emotions until he felt nothing. He was so confused and puzzled of what is right and what is wrong that he was lost.

I called him by his first name...

but he scold me for doing so...

And every time I interact with him, he's always patting my head....

Then...when he was drunk...

He tried too...

He shook his head trying to forget.

He sighed as he calmed himself.

Just forget it.

He told himself.

Forget it.

Levi Ackerman wiped off the chalkboard and begin his lesson Early that Monday morning. As his students walked into class he stopped to turn."Morning Class," He said,"Please take you're seats,"

Eren was the last person to walk into the class but his head was to the ground watching his feet to his desk.

"Okay everyone We will be having a quiz today," Mr. Ackerman said,"The quiz will last an hour so if anyone wishes to use the restroom at this time please do so."

"Er...," Levi flickered his eyes at Eren who stared out the window avoiding Mr. Ackerman,"Er...Erasers," He said.

"Please make sure you have your erasers and pencils on your desk," He stated as he gave each row a stack of paper to pass back.

"Once you receive your test you may begin,"Mr. Ackerman said as he swiftly turned back to his desk and turned to the computer.

Oh good...I don't have to interact with him. Eren thought to himself as he started the test.

But the test didn't feel like it only took an hour. Instead it felt like days.

Minutes felt like hours. And the longer he sat there, the longer it felt like forever.

The clock ticked and tock and Eren was restless.

He didn't want to be at school.

He didn't to be in class.

He didn't want to take the dumb test.

But most of all.

Eren couldn't bring himself to look at Ackerman.

He feared if their eyes met he'd get lost in those eyes forever. Utterly captivated and under his spell.


The first bell had ring as Eren just finished up his last problem. Like everyone else in the class, the students rose to their feet as they returned their papers back to Mr. Ackerman as they headed out of the room for their next class. Eren turned in his paper as he quickly scattered among the his peers escaping the room as quickly as possible.

Now in the hallway and with a sign of relief he breathed out slowly.

Suddenly he felt a bit of a shove as he turned to see it was Annie brush pass him as she flickered her blue eyes as she muttered,"Don't forget...three pm in the gym."

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