Fuck it

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"Even if that is true...what business do you have settling in someone else's sexuality?" Armin questioned. 

"Oh you're not shocked?" Zander asked with a rise brow.

"Eren's my friend, and I'll support him in who ever he likes," Armin said proudly. 

"That's rather odd," Zander said as most saying out loud to himself. 

"...You're the odd one," Armin declared, "Stalking people and bullying, all because you're bored with your life?" Armin shook his head,"Pathetic..." 

Zander approached Armin as he stepped back he tripped and landed on top of Zander's bed, who Zander pushed him down and leaned onto of Armin. And without a word, or any type of response to prepare, Zander did the unthinkable. He took a pill from his jean pocket as he then slipped in on his tounge. He took a hold of Armin's jaw with a tight grip of his hand he leaned in and then kissed Armin's lips. 

Armin tried to struggle as he tried to push Zander off of him, but the kiss was too heavy as Zander slipped his tongue along with the unknown pill into Armin's mouth. Armin couldn't break free as the felt the toung pushed the pill as it side down his throat. 

Zander then pulled back as he started down with a sister grin. 

"What'd you just give me?" Armin demanded in horror. 

"Nothing you'll like...' Zander said casually, "I can't control myself when I see you," Zander explains, "You bring out the worst in me." He said but his face expression looked like he general couldn't help it. It was a cruse to him as much of a sin Armin will bare.

It was at that moment the colors started to brightly shine in the room. His heart raced, as he could hear the blood flowing in his eyes. His face flushed of pink but he flickered his eyes open as the blood vessels in his eyes had expanded making his eyes red and his pupils dilated as he blinked as the vision began to distort in shapes and sizes.

Armin's breathing became heavy as his surrounding changed. 

Tripping from the state of reality, distracted by the colors of the lights and the strange voices he heard inside. High floating from of gravity as he was spinning into another reality, more like a different dimension and he was falling fast as light. Charging into a world of books and fictional creatures only known to men as nightmares. But these nightmarish creatures were not all bad and mad. Some have morphed into silly oddly characters you see on cartoon shows for children. Words start to jump from pages, colors changed into shapes, and voices were disarming. Everything was not as it seemed and for the brilliant mind of that young boy, his mind hid a very terrifying truth. On the break of hallucinating fantastic and terrible things, have altered a dysfunctional yet beautiful lonly reality.   


Eren and Jean arrived at Mikasa's house as they knocked on her door.

She open it with a sudden sursrise,"Oh Eren!? Jean?" She blinked looking at them,"what can i do for you?"

"Can we come in?" Eren asked.

They all gathered in Mikasa's room as she stared at the pictures on Jean's phone,"So you're just now telling this!? HOW LONG WERE YOU GUYS GONNA KEEP THIS FROM ME!?"

"Mikasa we had our reasons. But now we are coming clean," Eren said.

"Yeah and we have a theory," Jean began as Mikasa place the phone on the small coffee table,"Go on," she blinked.

"We believe this email business had something to do with Annie. We have reasons to believe she is targeting us to get back at us for her suspension. At first I believed it was all just an ruse to get closer to Eren but now that I think about it...It would make more sense to target all three of us sense we were the ones involves in the box club fight. Armin and Eren were the subjects of the matter while I was the key eye witness," Jean explained,"Who else would have motive?"

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