Better things

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Mikasa, Jean Armin and Eren all stood in the principal's office on that early Monday morning. 

Principal Pixis rubbed his forehand as he stared down and the several copied pages of the bizarre emails.

"So here's what I'm going to do..," The principal began,"I'll reassign you all new emails addresses and I'll monitor the old one for any strange new emails. If this individual is a student that person will have serious consequences but a part from identifying this person...I have to follow with a police report." 

"A police report?" They all said in shock. 

"It would be unethical if I didn't report it. I find this a situation a serious matter to your safety and well being," He stated strictly,"You're all dismissed," 

Just as Armin turn to walk away...

"And Armin..." Mr. Pixis called.

"Yes sir," Armin replied. 

"Mind staying around for a chat?" Mr. Pixis stated.  

This made Eren, Jean and Mikasa all turn to each other in a matter of concern.

"Yes sir," Armin said slightly embarrassed. 

"The rest of you are dismissed, please return back to you classes and don't discuss this matter to anyone," Mr. Pixis stated. 

"Yes sir," They agreed and they return to leave from the principal's office. 


Mr. Ackerman had arrived early that Monday morning as he cleaned of his chalk board, arranged the students tests and had a pile of grade to give back. He was ironically extremely busy when he heard a knock on his classroom doorframe, he turned to see Mr. Erwin Smith standing there with a smile as he walked in holding a to-go cup oof coffee. 

"OH, Morning," Mr. Erwin Smith announced as he took a sip of his coffee,"It's great to see you this early, normally you'd drag yourself into class just the same as your students," She said with a small smile. 

"Yeah, I've been busy," Levi stalled.

"You know I've been meaning to tell you that the board is cutting some funding back," Erwin said,"Since the track had been flooded, the track is not even close to be safe enough to run for the students. And the sport equipment in the storage unit is ruin. They'll have to replace everything," Erwin said. 

"I though the school had insurance," Levi said. 

"Yeah but the insurance company is covering over a little rain. But if the ocean or a lake swap over then that's a different story," Erwin said as he took a drink. 

"Anyway, seems like you have a hand full this year," Erwin remarked with a slight chuckle. 

"How so?" Levi asked. 

"Well for starters some of your students were involved in a fight," He stated, "...I know you can handle it, but you also have to be careful too," 

"Careful?" Levi questioned the choice of words. 

Erwin sighed, "A colleague of mine who teaches at another school had told me he was recently  fired. Now usually, I'm not the type to be interested in other's business matters, but as for a teacher myself I had to wonder. And so he told me. He was let go because a student had been secretly recording him during class. Now my colleague had mentioned to me prior that he had been dealing with the same student's misbehavior for months; however, the student complained to the superintendent that her teacher was harassing her," Erwin shifted his eyes to Levi, "You know how the rest ends." 

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