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From the time he was born he was granted everything in his world. Anything he asked for... he got. Because of the spoils and the riches, Zander Meyer found his private goody two shoes prep of a school, boring. It was in his eight grade he deiced he need a change. A different view of scenery was essential for his teen years.

The wonders of Public school was all the fun. Not only was the academic education a breeze but the social life was something exciting. The difference cliques and the folks of life and the many different personalities peeked his wonder. During his first year of high school, it was something to look forward too. He had meet all new different types of people. But there was something he was missing...


No rivals. No bullies. No enemies.

Seriously? COME ON! Zander thought as he scanned the entrance of students.

There is bond to be at least one person to be troubled right?

Happy faces. Smiling so casually...?


Zander looked at his hand.

Am I suppose to be that person?

Zander blinked.

Of crouse.

He made a fist.

It's me who is troubled.

And I need to take it out on someone, He gave a sinister smile.

It was true, he become the one of conflict. Yet, all the kids he picked on wasn't phased by him. He wanted to see the pain their eyes but instead they just plainly smiled like it was nothing. Smiling on the outside while burring the pain within.

Wasn't that good enough?

Fake expressions only to hide what's inside.

Those smiling facing where the faces that mocked him...He stood alone.


He thought to himself as he watched those masks smiling which had haunted him.


Zander was depressed.

What kind of bully am I if no one is scared of me!? Zander thought putting his face in his hand. I'm WORTHLESS!

Suddenly with a thud, Zander accidentally bumped into someone knocking him down.

"AH!" The person fell back dropping their belongings.

"Oh sorry about that," Zander said as he picked up a few of the kid's papers.

He turned to see the kid's face.

The kid's expression was fear.

That scared face expression stroked a cord in Zander's chest.

"I..It's..okay..sorry," The kid trembled as he gathered his belongings and dashed away.

Zander stood up firmly still holding the piece of paper holding it up to see the student's name,"Armin Arlert," He said his named with gave him a sense of meaning.


With a smirk, Zander laid on his bed within his dark bedroom as his hands slowly ran through Armin's hair.

Armin had long since been out since the drug wore off and has been sleeping for over eight hours. Zander had stood up from his bed and exit out of his room entering the bathroom.

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