Chapter 6 Badass

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I've made myself comfy to this small tower. In the tower there was some notebooks and pencils so I was able to write theories about myself. I am still conscious despite have been dead for a few weeks now. I should be ransacking houses to eat people's brains mindlessly but I still have full control of my mind and actions.

My hand stopped writing and my body froze. I grabbed my neck and collapsed on the floor. My body hurt. My throat felt like it was on fire. In the desert. While being rubbed with salt. (I'm not dramatic)

I forced open the door in the floor. I fell out of the tower and fell on my back. I've never been more happy to not be able to feel that. If I can't feel pain then why is my throat like this?

It was hard to walk. I had one hand clawing at my throat and one holding onto branches which was the only thing keeping me up. I was able to find myself back at the creek and I fell in. The water felt good. My head was under the water and I opened my mouth so water flowed in. It cooled my throat but I still felt like shit in the sun. I was able to go back to the tower. I sat down but got startled by the sound of leaves crunching below the tower. I grabbed one of the guns and peeked my head over the look out. There was a zombie covered in blood walking around aimlessly. It was growling and twitching it limbs as it slowly walked.

I stood up a bit. My foot creaked on the wood and the zombie looked up at me. It started to howl a scream. I nearly dropped my gun from being surprised. I aimed it and shot down. I hit the top of its head and it collapsed to the ground.

I shouldn't stay here. I shouldn't stay in one place for so long. I grabbed the pistol and put it in my back pockets. The hunting sniper had a strap on it so i attached it to my back. And I had lastly there was a rifle which i carried with me.

The rifle was cocked and loaded and aimed as i walked. Instead of going back into the drain I went over the hill. On Top of the hill was a road. I sat there for a second thinking which way I should go. Right it is.

4 hours later I then realized i took the long way to practically anywhere. Another zombie popped out of the woods. It just walked ignoring me. I was too lonely to kill it yet. We walked for a while before another one started to follow along. I bet I looked really badass walking with a bunch of zombies while holding guns on an abandoned road.

I made it to a town. Very small but charming. "Come on dean." I called to my favorite zombie who followed me obediently. And yes I did name it.

We walked around the stone roads. So rustic I thought. There was a small little brick cottage that caught my eye. It was so cute. I pulled at the knob but it was locked. I took a step back and shot the handle with my rifle. I kicked it open and aimed my gun inside. The living room was empty. "Hm." I hummed looking around "Dean stay there." i commanded and the Zombie just fell on its butt. I couldn't hold a laugh by looking at that.

It seemed that this place was recently lived in. The sun was shining orange through the window. The orange glare shined on the bowls on the dining table. I whipped my finger in a bowl and a wet warm residue came off on my finger. ~creak~ I paused. I slowly turned around and locked eyes with a little girl. She was holding a kitchen knife and attempting to control her scared breaths. "A kid?" I muttered confused.

She dashed up to me and stabbed my hip. "Woah woah woah!" I said stepping back. She took a step back and was in a subtle fighting stance. I slowly looked up at her. She looked no more than 10. "Sweetheart you can't kill a zombie by stabbing its belly you know. You have to get to the head." I pointed to my head.

"You're not human." She said slowly grabbed another knife. I opened my mouth not knowing what to say.

"Are. You alone?" I asked looking at the butcher knife she held.

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