Chapter 24 Unjust justice

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Month 8 and I feel like shit. I can't even walk anymore and I'm getting worried. Everyone is. My legs don't work no more. This started about a week ago. My stomach aches badly. All I can do is lie there.

I was sleeping soundly until I got a uneasy feeling. I slowly opened my eyes and something caught my eye. At the glass door peeking through was a silhouette. Just standing there. Watching. I jumped and sat up and stared back at the figure. I didn't get a chance to see who it was before they quickly moved away from the door. "Alec." I shook him away. His looked at me groggy.


"Someone was at the door." I said a little shaken. Alec got up and opened the door and looked around. His ears perked and he stared to the left of the hall. He heard something. He looked back at me but he knew he couldn't leave me alone. He could before because I could actually walk. He just closed the door and locked it. He grabbed one of my guns and laid back in bed. We both didn't fall back asleep. No matter what we really can't trust anyone.

In the morning it was the same old same old. But I was a little on edge of everyone's existence. Who was it last night?

Throughout the day I would unconsciously sigh. I don't know why I did it just became a small habit. I took a deep sigh while leaning on a table and sketching on a paper towel. I drew a side view of a pregnant belly. It was see through and you could see the child inside. Around the belly was towers falling, people running and zombies running amuck. "You okay?" Someone asked. I stopped drawing and looked around. Jonathan was at the door.

I put down the pencil "Y-Yeah." I sighed again. I'm still uncomfortable with him around me despite all this time. He hasn't talked much at all during this. "Jonathan..." I looked at him a little on edge "If you were to die." I looked at his feet "Would you want to come back?" I stared straight in his eyes.

"To now?" He asked.


"No." He said instantly without any question to it. I looked back at my drawing and sunk into my chair.

"Ha." I huffed "I can't even remember if I also thought like that when I was alive."

Jonathan turned around and scoffed something under his breath as he left "Monster."

"Jonathan." I called calmly out to him. He stopped and glared at me "Grow up asshole." He rolled his eyes and slammed the door behind him. I leaned on the table and covered my face with my arms. I need to smack something.

"Aw!" someone yawned behind me. J was there coming in to bring me some meat that they get when they go outside the building. He went to the mini fridge and put the meat filled ziplock bags inside.

"J." I mumbled with my head still in my arms.

"What?" He said a little disgusted looking at the decaying meat.

"Come here." I said a little mischievous. He looked at me and my eager eyes. He slowly walked a bit closer "Closer!" I wiggled in my seat. When he came close enough I leaped from my seat and tried to smack him.

"Woah!" he leaned back knowing I can't reach his face.

"Let me smack you!" I said with a smile full of determination.


"Just let me smack you!" I said jumping up and down.

"If you want to smack something that bad then smack Alec's ass then not me!" J put his hand on my forehead to keep the distance. I leaned my body against his hand on my forehead and pouted.

"An ass isn't the same as a face!" I complained.

"Damn what's up with you?" J asked.

"I haven't gone outside for the past 7 months." I said dying even more.

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