Chapter 25 ...

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*Trigger warning*

 "Wow its so nice outside!" I said giddy while basting in the sun. I rolled over on my stomach and enjoyed the warmth of the sun.

"Having fun?" I opened my eyes and grinned as Alec laid next to me admiring my smile. I hugged him and he kissed me. I flipped over off the grass and sat on his stomach. We kissed and he hugged me. My hands were pulling the back of his neck so he had his head lifted as we kissed. I sat back and had my head up to the sky as I watched the white clouds go by. I felt Alec's hand run down my flat belly. I looked down confused as I saw my stomach was flat. A gunshot rang and echoed through the whole field we laid in. Quickly putting my attention now on Alec I didn't even have time to process the scene. A bullet was ever so slowly entering the side of his head. When it slowly hit his head he didn't bleed. He sat there unfazed. His body turned grey and blood rushed from his shoulder. Teeth marks slowly appeared and ripped through his skin.

"Alec." I gasped. Alec looked me dead in the eyes. His eyes grew baggy and bruised. His small gentle smile grew across his face as he slowly stroked my face. He opened his mouth and left it open. He didn't say anything but the only sound that came out of his mouth was the cries of a baby.

I blinked but when I opened my eyes a rush of cold air hit them. Loud gasps and cries were screaming in my ears. Above my head was Bailey holding my head in her lap and she cried and stared at the foot of me. I forced my eyes down to where Bailey was staring at. I didn't have my pants on and my legs were smeared with blood and black liquid. On the floor next to my foot was a bloody lump of mass. To my left was J not holding back his frightful sobs as he stared at the blood holding something. His was covered in black liquid and blood. He was rocking back and forth rubbing his hand around the thing in his arms. The reality of the situation sunk in when I continued to hear a baby's cry.

"Deven!" J saw that my eyes had opened. He shuffled over and grabbed my face and turned it so I could see him. In his arms was a small infant. My eyes widened as I saw my child for the first time. Such a small kid yet my belly was so big? I slowly reached my hand up and put my small hand on the top of my kids head. So warm. J handed me my child and watched me hug it as it napped on my chest. I was sobbing as I patted the kid's back. "You had twins Deven." J was shaking when he told me. I looked at him then I grabbed my mouth as I screamed horrible sobs as I remembered the mass next to my foot. I moved my legs away and J knew what was doing so he pulled my legs away.

"You had a girl." Bailey said equally as shaken as J.

My head fell back and I screamed "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" I cried and hugged my baby. My mouth was running with something. I grabbed my mouth and black liquid was all over my face. "I'm so sorry J." I cried and held his hand. He was also crying but he was trying with everything he had to keep it together.

We all cried as we hugged together. "Gnnn." A painful groan grunted cutting us off. Behind Bailey was Jonathan and Alec's body still laying there. I cried remembering the moments before. Another grunt groaned and a body shuffled. Alec groaned and rubbed his face as he slowly sat up.

"ALEC!" I screamed "ALEC!" I screamed loud trying to get his attention. He looked tired. He slowly turned his head and looked at us. "ALEC!" I screamed again. His mouth opened as he quickly looked around. He saw Jonathan lying dead next to him and T and Zuri knocked out across the room. Alec saw me and our eyes locked together. He crawled his way over to us and saw the blood everywhere. Bailey backed away and let Alec grab me.

"What happened!? Oh god are you okay?!" He said frantically. I grew a huge relieved smile as I cried and put my face in his chest.

"I'm so sorry Alec." I cried and wrapped one arm around him and kept the other one on my baby. "I'm sorry."

"About what!?" He said hugged me. I touched his neck and he grabbed his neck. He felt the bites on his neck. He bit his lip knowing what he is now. "Its, it's okay." He said cracking a small fake smile. He held me close "It's okay. Were okay." He said genuine.

"Yeah." I hugged him. He slowly patted our child head shaken to see the baby. Alive and healthy.

"Wow." He hugged me. He took the baby and admired her. "Oh lord shes adorable." He looked at me and cried. His face was hilarious and I started to laugh as he dramatically sobbed. "SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!!" He hugged her. The baby opened her eye and reached her hand out towards Alec. Alec gaped and cried even more being even more dramatic "IM HER MOTHER DUCK! SHE THINKS I'M HER MOM!" He cried accepting his role as a new mother.

"Alec you're the daddy duck." I laughed. He stopped crying and looked down at me and cried once more.

"I'M A DAD!" He cried heartbroken that he wasn't the Mother ducking anymore. Then the baby started to cry from his cries. "NOOOO! SHES CRYING!" Alec cried even more. Oh lord. J took the baby from him knowing Alec was too emotional to hold the crying child. When J was rocking the kid she reached out to him too. When J saw her reaching for him he suddenly started to ball his eyes too.

"I'M AN UNCLE!" He cried equally as dramatic as Alec.

"I'M A MOMMY DUCK!" Alec cried with him. I didn't bother denying it because he was just too happy.

"Yeah Alec," I kissed him not worrying about the zombie virus leaking out of my mouth "you're a mommy duck." He grabbed my face and kissed me hard. I wasn't expecting it so when he shoved his tongue down my throat I was quite surprised.

"Guys there's a kid here." J coughed at us. Alec waved his hand at him telling him to shush. Once we finished something hit me.

"Wait!" I moved to fast and my body hurt so much. Alec held me up so I could talk "Are the others also..." I looked at Jonathan and ran my fingers through my hair.

"N-no. Only Alec and Jonathan. Jonathan knocked Nini and Jack out before he came down here."

"J," Alec stared at Jonathan "J I'm-"

"Dont." J cut him off "I don't blame you." He looked down at the baby.

"What are you going to name her?" Bailey asked. Me and Alec looked at each other forgetting that she needed a name.

"Um, I kinda did have a name in mind." Alec said "How about Elizabeth?"

"You planned this out?" I laughed.

"If it was going to be a boy then Ezekiel." He laughed. We both looked at our baby.

"I like it." I said rubbing her head.

"Ezekiel?" Alec asked not listening.

"Elizabeth!" I smacked his back. J handed me my baby and I cradled her "Do you like Elizabeth?" I asked her. She smiled and grabbed my ear. "Elizabeth it is." I rubbed her belly and kissed her forehead.   

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