5. Starting Over

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5. Starting Over

Fandoms Unite!


"Hilarious." I told him plainly. "I'd say you'd make a wonderful actor." Hudson's eyes went down to my chest. Disgusting.

"Who said I was acting?" He smirked at me.

Alright. I clicked my tongue and raised my eyebrows at him. "Okay, since we just meet Hudson, how about we have a normal conversation. Hitting on me isn't making me interested, it's making me want to hurt you. Severely."

Hudson laughed. "That's a lot of sarcasm for such a tiny body."

"I am not tiny." I protested.

"Yes, yes you are. I'd say you stopped growing in the seventh grade." He looked at me, daring me to say anything else. And I couldn't because he was right. I was exactly 5'2. But that was the exact average size for a human female, so technically I fall right into place.

"What's wrong with being short? It's warmer down here." I shrugged, a small smile forming on my face.

Hudson looked at me plainly. "You mean closer to Hell?" I laughed at that and he smiled. We really took, starting over, literally. "Cherish this moment, sweetheart, I'm still the ass you know and love." He said as if reading my mind. "But, I'm already starting to love this relationship we have going on. It's sweet, yet sour."

Not black, and not white. But at the same time, I feel like it's going to be both. This little 'Deal' I signed up for, it was going to take two separate and different things, and clash them together.

"Relationship?" I asked. "What makes you think we're in a relationship, I Hardly know you." I said, I've noticed the guy behind the coffee counter has been secretly watching Hudson and I.

I'm taking a wild guess and saying that he knew who we were. Or at least one of us. Probably Hudson. I don't come out of the house a lot.

"Right right," Hudson rolled his eyes. "I have to charm you- but that'll be easy-" he shrugged.

I grimaced. "Ugh, he's cocky." I mumbled.

"Well, I have a lot of things to be proud of." He smirked. Disgusting.

My phone dinged and I saw it was a text from Carmen. She said she'll be at my apartment after she leaves the university. I quickly typed a reply, not wanting to be rude, referring to my current conversation.

"You have friends that are still in college?" Hudson asked with raised eyebrows.

I looked at him weirdly. That was a slightly stupid question. Again, not seeing how this guy was a professional business man. "Yeah... we both graduate next year."

Hudson's expression became one of surprise. "You're still in college too?" I nodded slowly. "Oh, you're working on your masters." He stated.

I shook my head. "No...i-i'm getting my bachelors." I said slowly again.

Why was he asking weird questions? "How old are you?" Hudson asked more serious.

"I'm twenty-one." I said simply. His eyes widened as he stared at me.

"I'm sorry, did I hear you correctly? Did you say you're twenty-one?"

"Yes, yes I did." Why did he look uncomfortable. "What are you, like twenty-two?" I asked.

"I'm twenty-six." Hudson replied. My eyes widened.

"Oh my god." I mumbled, as I looked at him strangely. "You're so old." I whispered the last part.

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