27. Traveling and Trade-Offs

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27. Traveling and Trade-Offs

The cold never bothered me anyway. -Elsa 


"Remind me again why you thought it was a great idea to travel to the mountains in December." I stated as Hudson and I walked into the lobby of the Jackson Hole Resort.

Of course, i've never been to Wyoming. In fact, I think it's one of the states that everyone keeps forgetting exists. Poor Wyoming.

"You won't even notice that it's cold." Hudson told me. Yeah, okay. I was wrapped up in my thick coat and Hudson wore his coat. It felt like it was almost below thirty degrees.

Kill me now.

Although outside was cold, in the resort was warm. The lobby looked pretty good. It was your average brown- colored cabin styled lobby. It was big, no doubt. There were maroon colored couches and chairs. It was decorated nicely, but pretty different.

Maybe it's a west coast thing.

Hudson and I walked up to the main desk that held about two receptionist behind it. One was a young woman with light brown hair- maybe it was blonde. She was helping another guest next to us.

Then, there was a young man, who greeted us with a smile. He was wearing a navy blue and red uniform and he had dark skin and his eyes were dark. He seemed like a happy person.

"Hello, sir, how can I help you today?" He asked.

I just stood behind Hudson, still looking around the lobby, observing it.

"Yeah, I have a reservation. Vasquez."

The guy behind the desk nodded. "Sure, give me three seconds." He began typing away on the computer in front of him.

Then, there was the sound of my stomach. It rumbled kind of loudly and Hudson looked behind him. "Really, Brooklyn?" He asked.

"We ate after we got off the plane." I shrugged.

"I know that. But I kind of want some chocolate. And the last time I had coffee was like five hours ago."

"You don't need coffee." Hudson told me. "You're already a happy person. And like I said before, it makes me nervous when you shake."

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a drama queen." I mumbled. Hudson reached his arm around and brought me to his side. Of course, I didn't think anything of it, because were supposedly married after all. We were in public.

However, as his arm laid on my waist, I felt a pinch on my butt. Are you kidding me!

I glared at him while I pushed him softly with my arm. "That is like the seventh time today, what the hell?" I asked him.

Hudson laughed, showing his white teeth. "You love it, though."

I shook my head. "I do not." I told him and he smiled down at me.

"You're a bad liar, Brookie. I believe we've went over that before."

"You're an asshole." I hit him again, but he didn't even flinch. Hudson turned back to the the guy behind the desk. I finally read his nametag and in bold letters was, De'Andre.

"Sorry about my wife's Pottymouth, can't take her anywhere." Hudson told De'Andre while he just smiled at us.

I rolled my eyes. "Well," De'Andre stated. "Vasquez. You guys are in Harold's, one of our private cabins." He handed Hudson two card keys. "We already have someone taking up your luggage, and while that's happening, you wouldn't mind signing a few things?"

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