14. The First Compromise

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14. The First Compromise

Learn the wisdom of compromise, it's better to bend than to break. -Jane Wells


I take Hudson's hand slowly and I watch as our fingers entwine. I can see from the corner of my eyes, Mason is still watching, with a goofy expression. I force a somewhat-sincere smile on my face.

Mason smiles and gestures us to follow him. "Alright, guys let's go." He begins to lead us to the elevator. "Of course, you guys know, this is the building for The Daily Slander NY. I'm am only an intern here but it's a huge deal that I am able to interview you both."

"Thanks for having us." I responded as we rode the elevator. Hudson hands were still holding mine and I wanted so badly to twist the ring on my finger. Grrr.

We rode the elevator to the eleventh floor and Mason lead us to a small office that matched the rest of the building. Bright, sunny. The entire building looked like Google from that movie "The internship" With Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn and of course Dylan O'brien.

We sat down as Mason took his place behind his desk. "Alright," He smiled at us. "I'm pretty sure you guys know how this works. I'll just ask a few questions, you know things that your followers would want to know about the both of you. Don't worry, we're going to have fun, it's going to be similar to the game Newlyweds." Mason explained to us. He seemed so excited for this interview. I was feeling the opposite. Lord knows what Hudson was feeling.

However, I tried to hide my emotions the best I could. I still felt an urge to strangle Hudson. Not as strong though. Not as strong. I smiled at Mason's enthusiasm. "Okay, so instead of writing everything down, i'm going to record the interview, I have a signed contract here that says it's okay."

Shouldn't be so bad, I mean, it's only three people in the room. Not a crowd of strangers. Plus, Mason didn't seem like the type to judge anyone.

Hudson nodded. "Go ahead." Mason nodded and pressed a button that was connected to a phone-like voice recorder.

"Okay, i'm Mason from The Daily Slander and today i'm here Brooklyn Miller and Hudson Vasquez. Over the course of two weeks the two have been spotted together more than once and all of New York is dying to find out about the relationship between these two." It was weird, like he was doing a newscast but i'm coming to the conclusion that all this extraness is required. "Okay, so first question is pretty obvious.." Mason trailed off.

"It's literally all you've been hearing, are you two dating?" This was the moment where it all begins. Where it becomes official to the world.

"Yeah, we are." Hudson nodded. Mason laughed.

"Wow, just like that. So you all have heard it first, Brooklyn and Hudson are dating. My goodness, I totally ship you guys." I laughed. Mason reminded me of Carmen. "So, where did you two first meet?"

I decided to speak, despite the thudding of my heart ready to jump out my chest. "Actually, last year in December, Hudson contacted me and said he would like to meet me. It was strange at first but I didn't think too much about it." Hudson squeezed my hand tightly and I laughed through my 'Ow.'

Mason didn't notice this. "Okay, was there any reason why you just randomly wanted to meet Brooklyn, Hudson?"

Hudson shrugged. "At the time, you know her family was going through a tough time and I wanted to reach out to her and make sure she was okay. Despite how our families feel about each other, I was concerned." Hudson told him.

I was caught off guard when he mentioned 'The Hard Time' my family was going through. Obviously referring to my father's death. It didn't bother me, though. "How sweet." Mason smiled. "So, would you call your first encounter a date?"

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