16. Time Together

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16. Time Together

Two hearts still beating, on with different rhythms, maybe we should let this go... -The Chainsmokers


I sat in one of the many couches in Hudson's office. Right now, I was catching up on my school work. Hudson was sitting at his desk, on the phone with someone. I didn't know who it was. Since Becca left, no one has entered the office. So of right now, everyone knows it's just me in here. I'm not sure if that was a good thing. I looked up at Hudson every once in awhile.

Hudson has different sides to him. He had his business side to him. So serious, and he never smiled. Invested in whatever he was doing. Then, there was the side where he was relaxed, and off gaurd. Sort of. There were only a few times when I saw him in anything other than a suit. His whole body would sort of slug but not fully. He was let loose, he joked around a little- even though his jokes were almost always directed insults to me.

Then there was when he was kind of hard to read. The times when I didn't know what was going on inside his head. Like, the time in the elevator. He seemed tired, he let his guard down, but not completely. There were still some things that he never talked about. Like his parents, and a little of his personal life. I only knew what he did for a living, and only one of his friends.

Did Hudson even have a lot of friends? Maybe he was too invested into his work. I wondered about his family also, and about what my mother said the other day. She said something about their family affairs. Whatever that meant. Yes we knew the basics about each other, but we really didn't know the...real stuff. The deep stuff.

It was only a business deal, I guess that stuff shouldn't matter anyway-

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Hudson snapped me out of my thoughts. He was now standing at one side of the room, skimming his fingers through a book, but not looking at it. His eyes were trained on me.

I shook my head. "Nothing...serious." I answered. "Just school...stuff." I continued, awkwardly. I internally winced at how forged that sounded.

Hudson's eyes stayed on me. "You're lying, Brooklyn."

I folded my arms defiantly. "I am not."

Hudson put down the book and tilted his head. "Yes, Yes you are."

"How are you going to tell me?"

"Because, you're twisting that ring again." Hudson walked and sat at the edge of his desk. "Are you uncomfortable or something?"

"Well, you asking that question makes me uncomfortable. I'm shocked that you care." I mumbled.

"I'm trying to work on this compromise, Brooklyn. You don't know how hard this is for me." He said over dramatically, yet plainly. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not uncomfortable. I was just...thinking about some things. Is that so bad?" I asked closing my textbook.

Hudson squinted his eyes at me. "Tell me the truth, Brooklyn. I know that's a lie, so might as well just tell me what's bothering you." I just looked at him not saying a word. After a while, Hudson shrugged. "Or don't."

I sighed. "I was just thinking about you-" Hudson's face became one of amusement and a smirk appeared on his face. "Okay, stop it. What I meant was that.. I was thinking about, your family." I shrugged.

"My family?" Hudson repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. Your family." I replied quietly. "Your parents."

Hudson's expression was neutral. I couldn't read it. After about what felt like forever, Hudson finally spoke. "Okay." He shrugged, it looked like he was lost in thought himself. He was also staring at me like he wanted to ask me a question, but he just didn't.

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