20. The Disaster Dinner

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20. The Disaster Dinner

They say marriages are made in heaven, but so are thunder and lightning. -Clint Eastwood


He just...he really just...

This man just called me a stooge. I was shocked, really. Of course I didn't reply, I just stood staring at him with a blank face as an amused expression was on his.

Hudson was quiet next to me. At the corner of my eyes, I could see him also staring at his dad with a blank face...saying nothing.


"Hudson, you didn't greet your mother."

"You keep saying that, so i'll keep repeating myself. She's not my mother." Hudson told his father and I noted that this conversation just took a really bad turn. Maybe it just started out bad. It was doomed from the start.

Regina sighed. "I don't know why you bother with him, Frankie. He doesn't listen to us."

Hudson sighed finally looking at Regina for the first time we approached. "No, I don't listen to you. I don't have to obey you or even like you- which I don't. I'm a grown man." Hudson said plainly with an impassive face.

Regina's face contorted into a frown as she looked at Hudson. It was more than overt that Regina didn't exactly see Hudson as her son. Not like he claimed her as his mother, either. I don't know exactly what relationship these three have going, I only know what Hudson told me.

From what he told me, it seems Regina was the reason why him and his father aren't exactly best friends anymore.

"You're a grown man, act like it." Francisco told Hudson. Hudson with his hands in front of him shrugged. "You will not speak to her that way, you understand?"

"I understand this is exactly why I stay away. You ask me all these weird questions, Dad," Hudson's voice was more serious. I was slightly surprised, there was just a hint of vulnerability as he spoke to his father. "You know exactly why things are the way they are. I'm just not sure if you care anymore."

Francisco just stood there, the both of them staring each other down.

I felt completely awkward. I never wanted to step away from the conversation so much.

However, i'm seeing a new folder in Hudson's life. His relationship with his parents.

"I refuse to take this conversation any further tonight. You want to talk, it needs to be about the company." That was the last thing Hudson said before he took my hand again and led me away from them. I had to keep up with his large steps.

Looking up at his face, it was stoic, not showing any emotion. However, his eyes...they were filled with frustration, anger, and...something else.

"Hudson." I placed a hand on his arm and he stopped. He turned back to me and set his luma eyes on my face.

"Are you okay?" I knew it was a stupid question to ask, but...maybe it will help to know that someone actually...cares.

He nodded stiffly. "Fine." He sighed before looking over my shoulder. "You stay here, i'll be back."

I watched his back as he walked away, to the far side of the room.

I looked at the clock. Wow, not even twenty minutes since i've been here and there's already drama. It was almost an hour into the dinner party and I was sure we were going to get started soon.

I decided not to stand in the middle of the big room in the mix of all the tables. I stood in front of the wall, watching all the people mingle. Everyone looked important and high class. I sighed as I felt the urge to kick off these shoes. They're already beginning to hurt.

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