31. The Beginning Of The End

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31. The Beginning Of The End

Forgiveness is the key that will free you from your suffering...


Hudson's P.O.V

I sat behind my desk, my eyes going over the document over again. There were a lot of errors that had to be fixed. So little time.

However, the fact that my mind seemed to drift off didn't help. I kept thinking about yesterday. The dinner. My dad. Everything.

That man...he was so frustrating. I didn't know what to do with him. Yesterday did it for me.

He said mom was gone. He really let her go. How could he do that?

She was never completely gone, she still isn't. She will always rest in my heart.

I shook my head as I concentrated on the papers in front of me. I would have to talk to the head of Marketing. He needed to check over this month's report.

I ran a hand through my hair. Fuck, i'm so tired. Becca's dad, Gavin Owens, should be coming in any minute. I glanced at the computer in front of me. It was One Fifty-five. He would be here in five minutes. I know him briefly, but I know that he was always on time.


After that, Brooklyn should be coming in after her classes. Robbie was needed at the department, with a drug bust in Queens. Brooklyn was so happy when she found out she could drive her car.

The thought of Brooklyn instantly brought a smile to my face. She's so damn amazing. How is she so freaking amazing?

I already knew what was happening, I've known for a long time but I have yet to admit it to myself. Even in my head. How sick was that?

I think...

I think I was falling in love with her. In Love with Brooklyn.

Since we've been back from Wyoming, I could feel how much closer we were. I feel closer to her than ever before.

Plus, everyday I learn something new about her. I'm starting to hear her sing quietly to herself. She had a nice voice, absolutely. I think it's the holiday spirit that has her singing more and more. I had an idea the other day when we were in the car. She told me about her parents. How her dad used to take her mom out for Christmas.

My thoughts were interrupted when the phone beside me rang and a tiny blue flashed. I pressed the bottom button. "Yeah?"

"Hudson, Mr. Owens is here." I heard Becca's voice. I didn't think to much about why she just called her dad Mr. Owens.

I looked at the computer again. Mmm Hmm. Two O'clock. I waited and watched the door and a few seconds later heard the knock.

Gavin was going to talk to me about the new branch he wanted to start. He wanted Freeman Inc. to partner with him. I wanted this meeting to go by quick. I kind of needed the day just to end.

"Come in." I stated. The doors to my office opened and I stood up. Mr. Owens walked in. He looked like Becca in a way. I hope that wasn't going to bother me. The fact that we we're here to talk about business and I had sex with his daughter more times than I can count.

Speak of the devil, Becca held the door open as her dad strolled in. Her auburn hair was in a bun at the top her head today. Black and white were her signature colors.

"Ah, Hudson Vasquez!" Mr. Owen's voice was deep and rugged. Although he spoke like a normal businessman, you heard could hear his Staten Island dialect. Talking in his throat, and very rarely he pronounced his 'R's as if they were vowels.

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