33. New Year's Eve

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33. New Year's Eve

12 new chapters, 365 new chances, 1 new beginning. 


 It was somewhat quiet. The only sound being heard was Hudson's footsteps behind me.

Outside was cold, really cold and I was actually proud of myself that I wore a cocktail dress out in the cold.

The Christmas Show was absolutely amazing, and it definitely exceeded my expectations. I'm glad I was able to experience it with Hudson.

Throughout the whole night, he was sweet and a gentlemen. And dare I say he was now a romantic? It seemed like he had the whole night planned out.

After the show, We went out to dinner. The place was beautiful, the food was great, but I really enjoyed Hudson's company. We laughed the whole time, the smile never left my face.

However, at dinner, we talked and talked of course, and it seemed that Hudson and I were getting closer- our proximity. I don't know how. But eventually, touching under the table was the thing of the night.

Not touching, in that way, but...you know.

I could still feel his hand on my thigh.

Stop it, Brooklyn. Stop it.

That's not it, nope, i'm not done.

When we got back to the car, we did not drive off. No. We spent a good twenty minutes, making out in his car.

I know, I know, I couldn't believe it myself. But, it actually happened. And like everytime I kiss him, Hudson's kisses always felt so freaking passionate, like he wanted it so badly. I could feel it...I could feel him.

The way he held me, the way he kissed me, it just....


However, in the car, it felt slightly different. Slightly. It was like this time, it was just pure desire, and longing. Thinking about the events in the car made my face flush as I stared at the ground we were walking on.

Which brings us back here, walking back up to the penthouse. We didn't bother taking the elevator for the purposes that are probably best unsaid.

As we came to the door, Hudson brought his key up and unlocked it. The air seemed thick between us. You could reach out and feel the tension.

As the door opened, I kept my gaze on the floor, tiny bits of tonight floating in my head. I was sort of distracted.

I walked through the door first, being hit with more heat from the apartment. As I heard the door close behind Hudson, I couldn't even think clearly when I felt my hand being gripped tightly and was turned around in a flash.

Next thing you know, Hudson's lips were crushed onto mine. Sweet baby Jesus.

No words were spoken, nothing was said. I only felt his hands that cupped my face, and how close his body was to mine.

It was fast, deep, and Hudson was not sugarcoating anything. As he began walking us backward, his hands slid down from my face to my waist. He gripped me tightly and I found my arms coming around his neck and my hands started playing with his hair like they usually do.

This caused Hudson to groan slightly, his teeth pulling my bottom lip.

Oh. My. God.

A strange sound left my mouth as I felt Hudson's hands travel down further. Oh my god. Oh my god.

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