29. I Hate You. I Swear I Do

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29. I Hate You. I swear I Do

Anger is nothing more than an outward expression of hurt, fear, and frustration. 


Becca. BECCA.

What the hell is she doing here? I couldn't think, I couldn't speak, nothing.

I was beyond thrown, confused was a damn understatement. "What the hell?" She mumbled as she caught sight of me at the door. My thoughts exactly.

After a while of just staring at each other like we had three heads, I heard another voice. "Brooklyn." I heard Hudson's voice and he soon came into view.

But me, I couldn't help but feel angry. Very angry. I felt like screaming. Punching a wall, or even throwing someone down this damn mountain. The two people in front of me would be just fine.

He was here the whole time? With her?

Are you kidding me?!

Hudson was also staring at me shocked, like he didn't understand what was going on. "Come here," He pulled me forward and into the cabin, Becca moving aside.

"What are you doing outside?" The warm air instantly hit me and my whole entire body began tingling. "What happened?"

"Um..." Becca trailed off. "I guess....I think i'll just-" It seemed like she didn't know what to say. "I'll talk to you later, Hudson." With that she slowly made her way out of the cabin closing the door behind her.

I slowly looked back at Hudson, my breathing was radical and he was still staring. His eyes wide, his arms outstretched like I was going to fall or something. I was shaking, at least that's what it felt like- yet at the same time my body felt stiff. Like I couldn't move.

"Brooklyn, what happened?" He asked me. "You're freezing." He guided me to the fireplace that was burning in the wall.

"Hey," he turned to me, I could see his eyes were filled with confusion and concern. "Hey, talk to me. What happened?"

The anger I felt when the door opened still remained. I was pissed. Super pissed. "You want to know what happened?" I asked slowly. My voice sounded different, quiet and hoarse. Kind of like when you wake up from a really long nap.

"I was outside, standing in front of that damn door for over an hour. An hour, Hudson." If I could scream I could. My voice got louder but I wasn't exactly yelling.

Hudson shook his head looking bemused. "Why-why would you stand out there for an ho-" He looked at the table over in the living room space for a second, I saw recognition come across his face. I never stopped glaring at him, i'm pretty sure I was murdering him with my eyes. "Oh."

He turned back to me and his face fell at my glare. "Oh, Brook-"

"I tried to call you. I screamed, I was literally kicking down the door so you could hear me." I spat.

"Brooklyn, I'm-I'm..."

"I froze my ass off out there! I'm pretty sure I have frostbite, and i'm wet, and cold." I gritted out, trying my best not to lose my temper. I can't remember a time when I was this angry. Ever. "I'm shivering because my clothes are damp, it started snowing Hudson. Snowing! I couldn't even hike down the mountain to the fucking lobby."

I could see a whole pot of emotions cross Hudson's face. "You didn't even hear me. Because she was here, and I bet you didn't even think about where the hell I was because you were to busy probably screwing the shit out of her!"

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