36. We are the Young, We are the World

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36. We are the Young, We are the World

Children are not things to be molded, but things to be unfolded. -Jess Lair


Brooklyn's P.O.V

"This should be fun." I heard Hudson mutter beside me. I wanted to laugh but instead I just smiled.

We were sitting side by side while a man named Randall Holt spoke behind the podium. As we sat in the front row, I could feel Hudson's warm hand that was linked with mine.

Right now, we were at the Bright Side Children's Hospital. We're here to support the charity helping kids that got sick after the storm a few years ago and with other illnesses too.

At first, I was a little weary about coming to this charity event. I mean, it was sponsored by the company Harrison worked at. There's something about him that just rubs me the wrong way. Just weird.

Plus, doing a charity event with Freeman Inc. and Miller Enterprises also didn't set well with me but, I actually don't mind though.

I mean really, we're here to meet the kids and brighten their day, if we could just avoid all the craziness, weirdness, and drama, everything should be fine.

I was actually really excited to meet the kids. "Oh come on, it can't be that bad." Hudson looked down at me briefly with a small smile. In the hospital's lobby were rows of chairs filled with people here to support.

Francisco, Grayson, and my mother were also here. Along with a few other business men and women who were sponsoring this event.

Harrison was also sitting in the opposite column in the front row. I came to the conclusion that Harrison worked for his father because Harrison looked exactly like the CEO of this company.

Randall Holt. Chairperson and CEO of Hughes Enterprises. I could tell that him and his son were alike.

Nice green eyes and brown hair that always looked professional. Hmm.

I'm starting to think that working and being the Future Boss of your father's company was a clichè.

I sighed as I listened to Randall speak. "-and I'm happy to present Bright Side Children's Hospital with this check for One Hundred Thousand Dollars." Everyone applauded.

Randall then went on about helping the children and world peace. It was nice, but seemed a little plastic.

I waited silently by Hudson's side, our fingers still locked together.


"That's incredible." I smiled as I sat next to Darren. Darren was a six year old boy who had about eleven surgeries in his life starting from the day he was born up until now.

Darren couldn't walk and he needs help getting around. I thought Darren was an awesome little boy. I've been in here for about an hour talking to him and learning about him. The cutest kid i've met in a long time.

"Really?" He asked me and I nodded. "My favorite one is about the green eggs and ham."

I laughed. "That is a good one." I told him. "Have you ever heard the one about doing anything you dream of? The one that says you can go far?"

Darren and I were talking about his favorite author. He said he liked Dr. Suess and how he always made words sound funny and how they rhymed.

Darren stared at me in confusion. I cleared my throat and continued. "Well it's called 'Oh, The Places You'll Go.'" I began quoting some of the few lines I remember from the children's book. "The more you read, the more you'll know, the more that you learn, the more places you'll go."

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