37. Disclosure and Displeasure

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37. Disclosure and Displeasure

I don't like your perfect crime, how you laugh when you lie, you said the gun was mine, Isn't cool, no, I don't like you.  -Taylor Swift. 


I chewed on my bacon silently as my mother paced the kitchen. "This doesn't make any sense." She shook her head. She was in her sweats and her hair was in a short ponytail.

"Brooklyn, there has to be some legitimate reason for them to just cancel." She stated.

I always loved visiting mom. Her apartment reminded me of only a few years ago when I still lived here. But other things were on my mind right now.

Like The New York Times. I'm still wondering why they cancelled. It took me off guard, of course. I was shocked.

I didn't cry about it but I was upset. Really upset. That was a long time wish of mine to work at TNYT. I felt super bummed yesterday, today, and probably for the rest of my life.

"I guess not...but, she said something about this dude named Owen." I shrugged.

My mother narrowed her eyes. "Owen, what the hell?"

"I don't know, mom." I exclaimed putting head in my hands. I just need to finish eating so I could go back to bed.

Okay, maybe I was more upset than I thought I was.

Oliver and Carmen were confused too. They both started ranting about this and that. Ugh. I Don't even want to think about it.

"This is Bull." Mom stated. "I should do something."

"Mom." I groaned. "Just...I guess it just wasn't meant to happen. Maybe...maybe the universe is trying to tell me something."

"Shut up, Brooklyn. You sound sick." She sighed.

I frowned at her. I picked up another slice of bacon and bit off a piece. "My only question is why."

I finished chewing one slice of the pork and then I picked up another one.

My mother stopped pacing but I looked at her strangely when she had a weird expression on her face. "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

She turned to me curiously. "Did you say Owen?" She asked. I nodded. "I know a guy, his last name Owens."

I shrugged. "So?"

"Soo," She began making her way out of the kitchen. "I'm gonna go get my laptop."

She exited the kitchen and a few seconds later came back with her macbook. She opened it up and starting speaking. "Gavin Owens is a businessman and he's the chairperson of his own company. Owen Enterprises."

She typed in his name and I sighed. "Okay, so Gavin Owens is one of your business friends, what does-"

I stopped when something came to mind. Owen Enterprises. Where have I heard that before? It sounded really familia-

"Oh my god." I gasped lowly.

Mom stopped typing and looked up. "What's wrong?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Owen's Enterprises. That's the company that bought out Tiny Teresa's. Without giving it a second thought, I reached for Mom's laptop and began scrolling through information about Gavin Owens.

He was a businessman, like mom said. He has a lot of investments in different branches throughout the city. I could feel mom over my shoulder also reading through the information. "Wait," She told me, squinting at the screen. "Click there." She pointed to a link.

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