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In the afternoon, Laure came to my house.

Marcus-:" I think your aunt agreed."

Laure-:" Yeah she can't say no to you."

We entered my room and we started playing "fifa". She was so good and I loved playing it with her. I love how she laughs everytime she wins. That makes me extremely happy because that means i'm helping her to forget about her misery.

When we finished, we ate dinner together. That's our thing we do this like everyday. I love how she forces me to finish my meal. She tells me how so many children in her country can't eat because they don't find food and how i'm lucky to have food in my plate. She's perfect!

Marcus-:" Laure, I believe that you'll be the person who will help your country and who will end this hunger and hate between people. I believe in you."

She blushed. It's so cute seeing her cheeks red, but it's not cute seeing her crying everyday. I know that every minute, even every second she thinks about her family, her parents.

Marcus-:" Do you want to go for a walk with me?".

She nodded. We went to the park but actually, it was a really bad idea. I could see tears in her eyes because she saw how much these families were happy. The children were playing with their parents and I know how much she wanted to be happy like them.

Marcus-:" Laure do you want to get back to the house?"

Laure-:" No i'm fine. I want to stay here."

We sat on a bench. At first, we didn't say a word to each other but later on she broke the silence and started to talk. But she didn't look at me in the eyes she was just looking at the ground. I get it she's very shy.

Laure-:" When I was younger there was a park where my sister and I used to go without even telling our parents. We used to play and have fun there. But one day Brooke fell from the slide and hurt her arm. We were afraid of our mom's reaction when she will see it and when she will know that we left the house without her permission. Anyways we were punished for a month and she forced us to do the chores, everyday."

And she laughed. It feels good to hear her giggles.

Laure-:" Because of Brooke I was always in trouble. She had never listened to my parents and she kept going to that park until she... she left. What do you think happened to that park Marcus? I think it's now made of dust."

Marcus-:" No it isn't! Stay brave like I always knew you."

Laure-:" Marcus you don't understand. Things will never be the same. What am I doing here? My parents are miles away and maybe I won't see them again. They are probably suffering right now. I'm just here waiting to hear about their death."

She was crying hard so I hugged her tight to make her feel better. I kissed her on the forehead and when she felt a little better, we returned home.

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now