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Laure-:" Well.. Martinus... I'm leaving on Friday. I want to meet my parents. And please don't tell Marcus because I made my decision. I wanted to tell him that I love him before I leave. Because if I never got back again, he'll know that I... that I.. "

And she fell in tears.

Martinus-:" Laure why are you hurting Marcus? What did he do to deserve all this? And you think Virginia will let you escape?"

Laure-:" See this is why I didn't want to tell you."

Martinus-:" Well what did you expect me to do? I care about my brother so stop causing him so much pain!"

What do I have to do now? I can't come up like this because Laure will be angry if she knew I was eavesdropping, and I can't let her go. If I talked with her she'll change her mind... well I hope.

I went to the kitchen where they were talking.

Marcus-:" So did you finish cleaning the house?"

Laure-:" Yeah we did."

Martinus hadn't spoken a word. I get it he was as worried as me.

Laure-:" I gotta go or my aunt will get worried. Bye"

Marcus-:" Promise me you'll come tomorrow?"

Laure-:" Promise."

She left the house so I turned and looked at Martinus who was still shocked. I needed to pretend that I don't know about what happened between them.

Marcus-:" Earth to Martinus! Are you okay?"

Martinus-:" Yeah i'm fine."

At that moment we heard the doorbell and my parents and Emma came. Martinus went to his room and I went to mine. I was thinking: Will Martinus tell me about what happened? Will Laure leave me alone in this dark world? I need to talk to her.

Next day, I woke up early and went to her house. She opened the door.

Laure-:" Marcus? Why did you come so early today? Is something going on?"

Marcus-:" Nah I just missed my girlfriend so much. What? You won't tell me to come in? "

Laure-:" Oups sorry, come in."

The point of this visit was not only to see her, but also to make her change her mind.

Marcus-:" Laure can I ask you a question?"

Laure-:" Absolutely."

Marcus-:"Do you know what's the difference between "I love you" and "I like you" ?"

Laure-:" Marcus no introductions what do you want?"

Marcus-:" I'll take that as a no! Look. When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily, you protect her from the wind and storms. Laure, I love you and I need to protect you from the danger you are going to by yourself."

Laure-:" Martinus told you didn't he?"

Marcus-:" Martinus didn't tell me anything, I heard all your conversation yesterday when you were in the kitchen. Laure it's a bad idea."

Laure-:" Marcus I know you're worried but I miss my parents. I hate Norway! I want to see them before they die."

Marcus-:" Well if they were here their reaction will be the same as mine. If you love me, or in fact if you love your parents, don't go! They forced you to live here for your own good, don't ruin what they have been building all those 4 years. And they won't die, I believe that someday you'll see them again! "

I stared at her face and held her chin: "Laure please?"

She still didn't answer. Maybe if I leave her alone, she'll think and realize that what she is going to do is so wrong.

So without saying a word, I turned and wanted to leave. I was hoping she will say something but she didn't. I opened the door but then... I heard her.

Laure-:" Marcus wait don't leave..."

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now