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I love Laure so I won't lie. I don't want her to live thinking that her parents are alive. She'll be broken but I will always be with her to make her happy or at least not miserable.

Marcus-:" Listen Laure, forever doesn't exist and everyone's going to die someday. It's just a question of time and I think that... I think that this time is over for your parents. I'm sorry Laure for your lost."

I looked at Laure. She was staring at me and didn't know what to do. Then I looked at Aunt Virginia, she gave me those " Why did you do this" looks. I had to i'm truly sorry.

Suddenly, she opened her mouth to speak and I knew a hurricane was going to happen. She said between sniffles:


Marcus-:" Laure what am I supposed to do calm down."

She went to her room and slammed the door. I wanted to go after her but aunt Virginia stopped me.

Virginia-:" Leave her Marcus, her wound needs time to heal."

I couldn't leave her at that moment, she needed me and I needed her, i'm afraid that her wound will take forever to heal. I didn't listen to Aunt Virginia, all I could think about was her. I went to her room and I heard her sobbing. I wanted to knock on the door but something stopped me. I'll return tomorrow I hope she'll feel better, but I didn't think it was possible...

That day I couldn't speak and I spent all night long crying. What's wrong with the world? Why there is so much hate between people? Laure is so young to support all this, she became an orphan so early... I love you Laure I wonder what are you doing at the moment. I hope you're not cutting yourself like usual.

The next day I went to the kitchen and saw my family eating breakfast. I didn't tell them about what happened yesterday.

Gerd-anne-:" So Marcus did you have fun on your first date?"

Martinus-:" Yeah Marcus was there anything special? "

Why were they asking so many questions? I need to tell them what happened but not in front of Emma of course.

Marcus-:" Emma go to your room I need to talk with mum and dad."

Emma-:" But I didn't finish eating I..."


She started to cry. I had never yelled at Emma but I couldn't take it no more I was broken so I started to cry like a baby. Dad noticed my tears, he knew something wrong was happening so instead of punishing me he said quietly:

Kjell-Erik-:" Emma go to your room your brother didn't mean to yell at you. Go now then he'll play with you ok?"

She nodded and went to her room.

Martinus-:" Marcus why did you do this?"

Marcus-:" Martinus I can't take it no more."

Gerd-Anne-:" You know you can tell us anything right? What happened yesterday did she broke up with you?"

Marcus-:" No it's completely the opposite. We were having the best time and we became so much closer. We danced under the rain and it was so romantic. But then we went to her house and that's when we knew..."

I couldn't finish my sentence I continued crying.

Martinus-:" Knew what?"

Marcus-:" Knew that her parents passed away due to an explosion. And now Laure is definitely sobbing and tearing up. Mum this was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. "

And tears have continued to fall down my cheeks.

Although my vision was blurry because of crying, I felt how much they were shocked and sad at the same time. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Martinus.

Martinus-:" Go Marcus what are you waiting for? Don't leave her alone when she needs you the most."

Gerd-anne-:" No Martinus I think he should give her some time. What happened isn't easy at all. She needs weeks to heal, maybe even months."

Oh Laure, how can you handle all this pain? What am I going to do I really don't have a clue.

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now