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She finally talked.

Laure-:" Marcus wait don't leave... You're right. All you said was absolutely right. My parents will be bothered if I left and went to death by myself. I'm staying, thank you for making me realize how..."

I didn't let her finish. I immediately grabbed her waist and lifted her off the ground. Finally happiness.

Marcus-:" Promise me you won't go?"

Laure-:" Promise."

Pfft... I was so relieved.

Marcus-:" Ok get changed pretty fast because you are about to spend the best day of your life!"

Laure-:" Where are we going?"

Marcus-:" It's a surprise. Go and change."

She went to her room. Meanwhile I called Martinus.

Marcus-:" Tinus she isn't going I changed her mind."

Martinus-:" Going? Wait how did you know?"

Marcus-:" Long story short, I was spying yesterday."

Martinus-:" That's my brother. Finally I was so worried and I wanted to tell you but you know I promised her."

Marcus-:" Yeah I know. And now we are going on our first date."

Martinus-:" You know it's 8 in the morning right?"

Marcus-:" Don't care. I'm all dressed and I can't wait to take her to that place we used to go to when we were younger. Remember?"

Martinus-:" Oh yeah I want to go too! Kidding go and enjoy your time together."

I hung up and waited for Laure. She finally showed up. She was wearing a black long sleeved crop top with some jeans. Laure hates colorful clothes, she always wears dark clothes but that don't bother me.

Marcus-:" Ready princess?"

I held her hand and got in the car. I couldn't be happier.

Marcus-:" I'm taking you to an amazing place that you will never ever forget."

Laure-:" As long as i'm with you, every place is amazing."

I pulled her into a hug. She's right! As long as i'm with her, every place is magical!

First we went and ate breakfast, then we went to "dream land". Martinus and I always go there because it's so much fun. There were tons of people which I didn't expect because it was so early. We began playing and Laure was laughing out loud. I lost track of time, I got lost in her eyes, her laugh was priceless and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Suddenly it got darker and I knew a problem is going to happen to ruin our perfect day.

Bella-:" Well look who's here, the joke with her gentleman."

Marcus-:" Bella go away I told you I don't like you."

Bella-:" Who cares about you? See I moved on. CONOR COME HERE. Marcus meet my boyfriend, Conor meet Marcus."

Marcus-:" Yeah I don't care leave us alone."

Bella-:" I will but listen to my advice, break up with her. You're popular and she's a joke and Eww.. look at her outfit. She's ugly and unfash.. "

Marcus-:" I don't care about your opinion shut up."

Laure-:" No Marcus that's ok I don't care about her. She's jealous."

Bella-:" Really? You think I am jealous? I mean look at me and look at you."

Laure-:" Listen girl, there are eternity of other things to be other than beautiful ok? I like who I am and no one will change that. And what is beautiful anyway but a set of letters strung together to make a word? I am my own definition of amazing and that is so much more important than anything beautiful, ever. Let's go Marcus."

Bella was too shocked to speak a word, as well as me. Since when Laure is brave?

Marcus-:" Laure i'm so proud of you. What you said out there was amazing. I love you for who you are too. Don't listen to haters."

We hugged and then directly came back home. Thank you Bella for destroying our day!

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now