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We haven't talked to each other in a while and that made me extremely upset. I can't spend a second without thinking about her but now look at us! She keeps ignoring me and every time I see her in the cafeteria, I sit with her but she grabs her plate and goes away. I don't think she'll talk with me again.

I entered my Math class and she was in this class with me, luckily...

Teacher-:" Students I corrected your exams and well... I was impressed. You all did great. Marcus gunnarsen, did you know that you took an A? What an improvement! I'm so proud of you"'

What? An A? From D to A? Yas I won't have summer classes. I think I need to thank Laure. It's all because of her that I took this grade.

Marcus-:" Hi Laure. I know your mad at me but... wow A+? Congrats smart girl!"

She didn't say anything. That was so weird should I continue this conversation?

Marcus-:" Anyway I just wanted to thank you. Because of your tutoring I got this amazing grade. Thank you and I don't know if I said something that made you mad but either ways, i'm sorry."

And I turned my back to leave when her pur voice stopped me from walking.

Laure-:" Marcus...I...I... first congrats on your grade and second.... i'm the one who should be apologizing... I overreacted I know. And..."

Marcus-:" And what?"

I was so happy when she talked with me. I really hoped she would mention the "Boyfriend and Girlfriend" part, and that she figured it out that going back to her country is a bad idea.

Laure-:" Uhh..Nothing."

Disappointed again.

I grabbed all my stuff and made sure I didn't forget anything because it was the last day of school so I was late a little bit. I left and was searching for Laure but I didn't find her. Where had she been? I was afraid because I knew Bella was up to something and that she'll hurt Laure. I searched in every corner of the school but unfortunately I couldn't find her.

I shouted her name out loud: Laure, Laure....

I kept shouting until i heard a noise. It was coming from the school's garden. I went there and well, I saw them.

Bella to Laure-:" You will always be the joke of this school no matter what. Poor girl you think you can be as popular as I am well in your dreams. You won't ruin what I had been building all this year. Marcus is mine and i'm sure he feels sorry for you that's why he keeps defending you. You're weak and worthless you hear me kid? Weak weak weak....

The whole school was calling her weak. Laure was on the floor, she couldn't move. Yeah I had enough of that Bella girl.


Bella-:" Oh look who's here! Your gentlemen."

Marcus-:" Don't hurt her or you'll see something you had never ever seen in your entire life."

Bella-:" Oh you scared me. Go away pretty boy! I'm not weak like your girlfriend!"

Marcus-:" What do you want from her? She had never hurt you! Why are you so mean?"

Bella-:" Because she's stealing you from me."

Marcus-:" You and I could never be together. I don't like you."

Bella-:" Stop lying to yourself. And fyi Laure doesn't love you, she is pretending to be your girlfriend so she can be popular like us!"

Laure-:" Enoughhhh!"

I looked at Laure and she was so angry. Something bad is going to happen I can tell.

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now