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Time went really slow but I started to feel better... I started to move on a little bit. We went on tour again and that cheered me up. I imagined Laure next to me, telling me to believe in my dreams. That made me stronger and happier.

Few years later, Martinus and I got married and had children. Martinus had two kids while I had one girl. Her name was Laure.

She was as beautiful as my first love. Every time I see her I remember my Laure. I hope she'll become in the future a strong powerful woman like her. Her dream was to end hunger and hate between people, to become a doctor and help everyone suffering because of wars. If "big" Laure couldn't achieve her goals, this new one will.

Every night, I sit by myself and open the album I did for Laure years ago. She didn't take it with her so I added a few photos of us together. I have even put a picture of Martinus, Laure and I in my room to remember our beautiful days together... not that I could forget about them. I keep looking at the pictures of us together till I fall asleep. I close my eyes and dream of her...

Oh and I forgot to mention that I took Snoopy and put it in my room too. Although he was all grey and half burned since that day but I don't care. Every time I miss Laure, I hug him. He reminds me of her....

The next day, I took little Laure to big Laure's grave. I sat down and put little Laure on my lap. She was smiling and giggling. Her smile looks exactly like hers. I tried not to cry but I couldn't.

"Laure, say hello to little Laure. She's named after you. Say hello to the one who will change the world and make your dreams come true. I hope she'll be as beautiful, brave, strong as you. I wish you were here right now, I wish you were the one I share my life with, but the destiny didn't want us together. You were exhausted beyond words in a life beyond description. I love you Laure you mean everything to me. Why the world was so mean to you? What did you do to deserve all this? You ran away from death, but death ran after you and caught you. I'm sorry! This is our world what can we do... Every time I look in my baby's eyes, I remember you. She is so similar to you, from the inside and outside. So... I guess this is the end of our story. Laure... Will you remember me? I love you!!"

And tears started to wash my face.


At that moment, a 15 year old girl, all white, came and touched Marcus' shoulder, cuddled little Laure's face then just.... disappeared.... but he didn't feel anything.... Laure was there with him, but she also wasn't...


~The end~

So this is the end of "Will you remember me", I am sorry if it was sad but I LOVE writing sad stories I don't know why!

Hope you got the message, don't forget to spread love everywhere💘

Follow my intagram fanpage: marcusandmartinusleb and if you have a fanpage, write your username.

Again sorry because this fanfiction was sad (ik I keep apologizing a lot) and please write your opinion below. I really want to know what did you think.

Thank you a million times for reading, thanks to everyone who voted! That means everything to me!

Also I have started a new story: "Bring me to life". I will really appreciate if you read it too.

Don't forget to write your opinion💘


Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now