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Martinus-:" What is that important thing that can't wait?"

Marcus-:" It's Laure. Well you know that I like her right?"

Martinus-:" Duh everyone knows that. Continue."

Marcus-:" Well she knows too. I told her I like her but she doesn't want to be with me. She also considers me a monster. She told me to stay out of her life because i'm hurting her although I was totally on her side when Bella kept humiliating her."

Martinus-:" Wait slow down. What did you do? And why Bella is humiliating her?"

Marcus-:" I did nothing it's all in her head. And Bella has feelings for me so she's jealous. And now she wants to get back to her country too."

Martinus-:" That can't be happening Virginia won't let her travel. It's dangerous! Don't worry Marcus."

Marcus-:" What do I have to do now?"

Martinus-:" Give her some time. Stop putting too much pressure on her. And if she doesn't like you back it's her decision you can't do anything about it."

I'll give her some time. Even if i'm sure that won't work but i'll lose nothing.

The days I spent away from Laure were the hardest ever. But I had always Martinus by my side to make me feel better. It's cool to have him back.

Marcus-:" You told me to give Laure some time well it has been one week since I last saw her. "

Martinus-:" Marcus if you mentioned her name again i'll kill you."

Marcus-:" Martinus she means a lot to me and I called her several times and she didn't answer."

Martinus left the room because he was annoyed. This week I didn't stop talking about Laure and this bothered him. I didn't ask him about his trip or anything. I kept talking about myself and my problems. I am such a terrible twin!

So I went to the kitchen where he was. I need to apologize because I was so selfish.

Marcus-:" I'm sorry Martinus for everything. I kept talking about myself and I know you can't stand this anymore. I'm truly sorry."

Martinus-:" I understand. I know you're hurting deep inside. Love is difficult. And trust me, Laure will come back to you one day. She won't find someone better than my big brother."

Marcus-:" Awww Martinus. That means a lot!"

And we hugged. Him believing in me was everything I needed.

We watched a movie together. We haven't done that in a while and I really miss it. Martinus made Popcorn and we ate together. Our parents were out, Emma was having a play day with her friend, the house was all ours!


Marcus-:" Here in the house? Mum will kill us!"

Martinus-:" At least we'll die happy! Ready bro?"

Marcus-:" Oh yeah."

We started playing using our water guns. I really needed that because I wanted to forget about Laure, even if i'm sure it's impossible.

We were having lots of fun. We were all wet and we laughed so hard. Suddenly we heard the doorbell.

Marcus-:" Omg Martinus our parents are here. We are in a big trouble."

Martinus-:" What? It's only 6 o'clock they said they will be back at 8".

Marcus-:" I don't know. Quick hide all the waterguns."

Martinus-:" What a genius you are all wet she'll discover it sooner or later. Open the door."

I was shaking. Not because I was cold, but because I didn't want to be grounded! I opened the door, but it wasn't my parents. It was...

Marcus-:" Laure?"
Dance with you is the best song everrrr. I am so addicted😍😍
(I had to unpublish this part 3 times for some reasons so if you have 3 notifications from me I am sorry😂)

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now