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She was sitting behind a tree in the park where no one could see her. With her hand there was a knife, and she was...cutting herself. She made a cut on her hand, even her face.

"Stop" I screamed. She looked at me so I could see her bloody and sad face.

Marcus-:" Why are you hurting yourself? Laure stop."

Laure-:" Marcus stay out of this or you'll get hurt too. I can deel with pain. I've lived my entire life with it. It's ok."

Marcus-:" No it's not. I'm here right now to protect you and that's not happening anymore. I promise."

I hugged her really tight because I want her to feel loved, because I care about her, a lot! She fell asleep on my shoulder so I took the knife from her and carried her to my house, to my room.

I slept on the sofa so she can feel comfortable. I told her aunt that Laure is okay. I didn't tell her about the cuts because that will make her extremely worried. So I handled these by myself.

Next day, I woke up so early. I looked at Laure, she was up too.

Marcus-:" Oh our sleeping beauty woke up ?"

She smiled.

Marcus-:" There's that smile! Missed seeing your teeth. I'll prepare for us breakfast and we'll eat together ok? It's Saturday we need to have fun. "

Mum prepared for us breakfast and we ate together. She didn't explain why she was cutting herself yesterday and I didn't ask her. I don't want her to remember her pain, not that she forgot about it. The important thing right now is that she's smiling.

Laure-:" I'm sorry for not showing up. You wanted me to teach you math and I didn't come. Sorry! I was just....having... a bad day and that girl Belle or whatever kept humiliating me in public so I felt worst. I'm so weak!"

Marcus-:" No you're not. Even if you were, I am always here. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Laure-:" Marcus please stop!"

Marcus-:" Stop what?"

Laure-:" Stop being so nice to me I don't deserve you please."

She was sobbing, and became sad again.

Marcus-:" Yeah you're right. You deserve someone better than me."

Laure-:" You silly you know that's not what I meant."

Marcus-:" I know I only wanted you to smile."

I hugged her tight. She smells so good!

Marcus-:" And about Bella she doesn't matter any more. You know that school is over in a couple weeks so you won't see her again."

Laure-:" I guess you're right!"

We finished eating and went downstairs. But before, I brought her medicine. I know she'll be mad but I care about her health a lot and she should too.

Laure-:" Marcus put them down you know i'm not crazy! I don't need to take them."

Marcus-:" Laure I know but i'm worried about your health. Please?"

She didn't say anything.

Marcus-:" If I mean something to you take your medicine."

She nodded. I was happy, not just because she agreed, but because I mean something to her. She knows that I love her but she doesn't want to be with me. She's afraid that i'll get hurt and that my life will be miserable because of her. How am I going to change that?

Laure-:" Do you want to study? Our final exams are in a week."

Marcus-:" Nah it's Saturday don't you want to do something fun?"

Laure-:" You choose."

Marcus-:" Bowling?"

Laure-:" I won't say no to that. Let's go."

She was so excited. We went and had the best time ever.

Laure-:" You can't beat me i'm the queen."

Marcus-:" And i'm the king! We'll see."

She threw the ball and dropped them all.

Laure-:" I told you i'm on fire."

Marcus-:" I let you win."

Laure-:" Yeah right."

Marcus-:" Hey I don't lie you're gonna pay for that."

I ran after her and tickled her. She was laughing out loud while saying "Stop it I can't breathe." We were having the best time and spent all day together. Then we returned to her house.

I can't believe that I was alive when the day when she LITERALLY couldn't breathe came.
I'm so excitedddd to hear the boys' new song: Dance with you. I have repeated the video they posted on Instagram 1000 times!! Can't wait😱😱!! 5 days left😍😍

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now