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I went back home even if I didn't want to leave Laure but I had to. I am maybe leaving her too for a month because my brother and I are going on tour.

Marcus-:" Martinus I can't leave Laure alone. She needs me, she needs us. We are her only friends."

Martinus-:" Marcus sorry but we have to. Our fans have already bought the tickets we can't cancel our tour they will be disappointed. Don't you care about our fans?"

Marcus-:" Of course I do but I care about Laure too."

"Take her with us on tour"

We turned to see who said that. Emma?

Emma-:" Since I am going with you I will get bored sitting by myself . Can she come with us so she can play with me?"

I looked at her surprised. My sister is a genius!

Marcus-:" This is the best idea I have ever heard. Do you think she'll accept?"

Martinus-:" Most importantly will our dad accept?"

Martinus was right! Will my dad accept? I directly went to ask him and I was surprised by his answer.

Kjell-Erik-:" Actually I wanted to tell you if Laure can come with us. I know she is going through a lot right now and I think being on tour with the people she loves the most will help her to clear her thoughts a little bit."

Marcus-:" Dad you are the best I will totally ask her."

I got dressed and went to her house. Aunt Virginia welcomed me and I entered Laure's house. She wasn't crying that's good. She was just sitting on her bed, hugging Snoopy and looking at the photos in the album I gave her.

Marcus-:" Enjoying my gifts?"

She jumped and screamed! It looked like I scared her.

Laure-:" SERIOUSLY learn how to knock on the door you scared me."

We laughed at that. I sat next to her and we looked at the photos. I needed to ask her if she was feeling any better and if she wanted go on tour with us but I was kind of afraid of her reaction.

Marcus-:" Laure are you feeling a little better?"

Laure-:" Yeah a little. And it's totally because of you. Thank you."

Now it's the time! To ask her about the tour!

Marcus-:" Laure we are going on tour next week and..."

Laure-:" Wait hold up." And she stared at me. I looked into her sad red eyes, she was about to cry. " Are you going to leave me here alone?"

Marcus-:" That's the good part. You are going on tour with us."

She froze for a second, then jumped and hugged me for the first time in a while:" So a new country? I will finally get out of this hell. "

Marcus-:" You know it's only for a month right?"

She nodded and kept hugging me. Seriously why was she so happy? I know her she was definitely up to something.

~Going on tour day~

My family and Laure all packed. Aunt Virginia accepted that Laure goes on tour. We got in our private jet. Our first stop was Amsterdam. We had lots of fun and I sang with passion because I knew Laure wad watching me from behind the curtains and cheering for me. I was so happy she moved on, I was even happier because I was the one who helped her and convinced her that life is worth the fight. Martinus and I had a meet and greet after the concert. We met some fans and signed autographs. That was our favorite thing to do. After that we went to our hotel and had dinner.

Martinus-:" So Laure did you have fun today?"

Laure-:" Totally you guys are amazing."

Marcus-:" And tomorrow will be better. We will go to Turkey."

Laure-:" Yeah about that. There is something I need to tell you guys."

M & M-:" what?"

I looked at Martinus, he was as worried as me. I hope what she will say won't be what I am thinking about.

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now