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I'm glad Laure has changed. She became one of the bravest persons I know. I was still kind of sad because our first date didn't go well but... I will definitely ask her out again. But before, I had prepared for her a surprise!

Marcus-:" Laure come down, I have a surprise for you."

Laure-:" Marcus what do you want i'm busy."

Marcus-:" I'm asking for 1 minute only."

Laure-:" Fine I'm coming. But it better be worth it."

Marcus-:" Trust me it is."

I have prepared for her something that she'll never forget. She told me she missed her family, so I brought them for her... well not LITERALLY.

Laure-:" Marcus what do you want? What are you holding?"

Marcus-:" I made this for you. Here you go."

We sat on the couch together and I gave her the album I have already prepared for her. I asked Aunt Virginia to give me all the photos she had for Laure and her family. I put them together to make her happy.

Marcus-:" Now whenever you miss your family, you open this album so you'll feel that they are around.".

Laure-:" Marcus i'm speechless. Thank you so much I love it."

Marcus-:" Open it."

When she opened it, I could feel how much she was happy. I think my plan worked! Laure was staring at every single picture, laughing at some, crying at the others, but I knew those tears were tears of happiness.

She pointed at a picture and said:
Laure-:" I remember that day so well like it was yesterday. It was my first day of school and I was crying you can see from the picture how my eyes are so red. And Brooke was laughing at me and was calling me weak. I guess she was right I mean everyone nowadays call me that."

Marcus-:"You're not weak Laure, it's just that life becomes harder."

Laure-:" I wish we can stay children forever. Always smiling and we don't understand what's happening around us. We don't understand that life is totally unfair."

She looked at another photo.

Laure-:" Omg Snoopy."

She pointed at a picture of her with a stuffed animal.

Laure-:" This is Snoopy my dog. It was a gift from my dad. He gave it to me when it was my 5th birthday and it became my best friend, the one who knows all about me, well let's say all about my misery and hard life. I used to take it with me wherever I go. Unfortunately, I couldn't bring Snoopy to Norway. I wonder what happened to it. Well who am I kidding he is probably burned, as well as me."

Marcus-:" As well as you?"

She didn't answer and kept looking at the photos. I guess she was really burning from the inside. Then she pointed at another photo of her with her parents and sister.

Laure-:" Look at our happy faces. We were a happy family now look at us, one is far away in Norway, one under the ground and two fighting to survive."

And she started crying.

Marcus-:" Laure I made this for you to make you smile not to see you crying. Put this album in your room and promise me, every time you miss your family, open it."

Laure-:" I will, thank you Marcus, i'm so lucky to have you in my life."

And I pulled her closer to me and wanted to kiss her when someone has ruined the moment.

Martinus-:" Hey guys!"

Thanks a lot brother!

We were both blushing. Did he see us?

Marcus-:" What do you want?"

Martinus-:" Just wanted to ask you both what do you want to eat because we are ordering food."

Marcus-:" Whatever."

Martinus-:" Woah what's up with your attitude? "

Laure-:" Martinus we'll eat just like the others it doesn't matter."

Martinus-:" Fine. By the way I'm going and you can continue what you were doing."

Marcus-:" Did you see the..."

Martinus-:" No... Just kidding I was standing there since you first gave her the album. I'm so happy for you guys."

Marcus-:" Martinus?"

Martinus-:" Ok Ok i'll go."

Finally he left and I kissed her. It was the best kiss ever and it felt so good.

Guys I have posted a new "Marcus or Martinus" quiz on my Instagram fanpage. I post facts and you have to guess if each fact belongs to Marcus or Martinus. Go and play💘

My Intagram Fanpage: marcusandmartinusleb

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now