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Marcus-:" Laure, Laure where are you?"

Martinus-:" Forget about her Marcus she's dead."

Marcus-:" No she can't she promised me she'll stay with me forever and that we'll fight this battle together. Stop lying!"

Gerd-anne-:" Honey forget it i'm worried about you! Laure is gone, and you can do nothing about it."

Marcus-:" Stop it. I hate you all."

Martinus-:" Marcus, Marcus, Marcus..."

I felt someone shaking me, I turned and it was Martinus.

Martinus-:" Hey what's up with you?"

Marcus-:" Laure, where is Laure?"

Martinus-:" Laure just left don't you remember?"

Marcus-:" Just left the world?"

Martinus-:" What? She just left the house and after that you fell asleep on the couch. I am waking you up so you go upstairs and sleep in your room."

So that was just a bad dream? My heart was beating really fast. What a nightmare!

~Next day~

Since our first date didn't go well, i've decided to take Laure to another date. I'll take her to dinner, then we will dance under the sky full of stars. Romantic I know! My mum helped Laure to pick the perfect dress while Martinus helped me to find a matching suit. I finished early and waited in the living room for my beautiful girl. I will make sure that this day will be the best day of her entire life.

Finally she showed up. She was wearing a long elegant red dress with high heels. I have never seen her in high heels, well what's most important is that I have never seen her wearing makeup. Red lipstick, eyeliner, fake eyelashes... she looked absolutely stunning. So I kept staring at her face.

Laure-:" Stop staring your mum forced me to wear makeup and to go with high heels."

Marcus-:" With makeup, without makeup, I will still be amazed by your beauty."

She blushed. I took her hand and went to the restaurant where we were having dinner. We had lots of fun, I got to know Laure better and she told me about herself. So do I. I told her about my life, our career and that I want to be a famous footballer in the future. All she said was follow your dreams and never give up. Life is too short to live it slowly and believe in yourself before it's too late. She understood life so well, that was an enough reason to love her more and more.

Suddenly a slow song came on. This was my chance to ask her to dance. I held her hand:" May I?"

She smiled and we began dancing. I pulled her closer to me and she put her head on my shoulder. I felt like I was on cloud nine. I went to another world, a world where only Laure and I exist. My goal for this night was to make Laure happy and I think I reached my goal.

Marcus-:" You know what? They say forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spend it by your side. Forever Miss. Matthews?"

Laure-:" Forever M. Gunnarsen."

After a couple of minutes we noticed that it was raining outside.

Laure-:" Marcus I think we need to go it's raining ."

Marcus-:" Not before I do this."

I lifted her off the ground and ran outside.

Laure-:" Marcus are you crazy we'll get wet."

Marcus-:" As long as i'm with you, it doesn't matter. "

And we continued our dance under the rain then we kissed.

Laure-:" I love you Marcus."

Marcus-:" Way more. I even brought you something that will cheer you up. Let's go I hid it in our garage."

We returned home and I gave her a stuffed animal which I bought for her.

Marcus-:" Laure, say welcome back to Snoopy. This is instead of the stuffed animal you had lost."


She hugged the toy like a 5 year old child hugging his stuff animal.

Laure-:"How can I thank you Marcus? You did so much to me and I... well I have nothing to give you."

Marcus-:" Laure I only want to see you happy."

I can't believe that what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, became the worst day of her life...


Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now