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~Next day, at school~

I have Math next, and great Laure is in this class with me. I sat next to her and she smiled at me. Our teacher was giving us the test we did last week.

Teacher-:" Marcus Gunnarsen you need to study or you will get summer classes." She said while passing me my paper.

What? I have never took this grade in Math. It's not my fault if the lessons this year are hard. I looked at Laure's paper: A+

Lucky! I need her to teach me.

Marcus-:" Hey Laure, can you come to my house this evening and teach me? Like you see i'm terrible at Math."

She nodded.

We went to the cafeteria and I sat with her, but her reaction tore my heart.

Laure-:" Marcus you don't have to do this. I got used to loneliness."

Marcus-:" What do you mean?"

Laure-:" I mean you're the most popular boy at this school. Every girl wants to sit with you. Why you chose me? Why did you choose "the joke of the school"?"

Marcus-:" You're not a joke. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You are the sweetest, nicest, best girl. And I... well i've been hiding this but I think this is the right time...I love you."

Laure-:" You love me?."

Marcus-:"Yes! Since we first met that means for 4 years. And I can't hide it anymore."

Laure-:" Thanks Marcus because you were always there for me. But I can't be with you."

Marcus-:" And why?"

Laure-:"I know you're doing this because you feel bad for me."

What is she talking about? I'm not like that! I opened my mouth to start talking when I heard Bella, the meanest girl in school talking:

"Oh look who we have here. Marcus gunnarsen with" the joke". How cute Marcus, sitting with her because you feel bad for her and because she has no friends..."

Marcus-:" Shut up you don't understand."

Bella-:" Defending her too? Aww."

All of the students laughed. Laure stood up and left. She can't face Bella. She's too shy. She's weak but at the same time strong because she can support all this hate.

Marcus-:" Laure wait... Laure."

I ran after her. I could hear Bella saying something but I didn't care. The girl I love is hurting at the moment and I need to fix everything.

I was faster than her so I could catch her and grab her arm.

Laure-:" Leave me Marcus you're just like the others."

Marcus-:" No i'm not! I love you! Understand that please."

Laure-:" Marcus please I need to be alone."

I don't want her to stay alone. I'm afraid that somebody will try to hurt her. My next lesson was Spanish and she wasn't with me. Time moved on so quickly, the day was finished and we returned home. Usually I go to school and return home with Laure but this time I didn't see her.

I get it she wants to be alone. I just really hope she'll show up that evening and help me with Math. I don't want summer classes!

I waited for so long, but eventually I lost hope and I felt that she isn't okey at that moment.

I went to her house to check if she was okay and if she needed someone to talk to because i'm always there for her. Her aunt opened the door.

Marcus-:" Hi Miss Virginia."

Virginia-:" Hi Marcus."

Marcus-:" Can I talk with Laure, please?"

Virginia-:"Laure isn't here she told me she was going out with you."

Marcus-:" What? She isn't with me. She told me she's coming but she didn't."

These words hit me like rocks against a window. I was trying to calm down myself and Miss Virginia who started to panick.

Virginia-:" Oh no! Find her Marcus please. Laure can hurt herself. She didn't take her medicine today."

Laure takes a medicine that helps her to calm down a little bit. And without it, she acts unconsciously so we can't control her, and even she can't control what she's doing.

I was starting to panic. I was worried. If something bad happened to her i'll die.

I left Miss Virgina crying at the door and I ran as fast as I could in the woods to find her. But I couldn't!

Where are you Laure? Where are you?

I screamed her name out loud but I only heard echo. No answer.

Where could she go? She isn't in the woods that's for sure because I checked every spot. Where will I go next?

Suddenly an idea came to me: The park! Maybe she needed to remember her sister. I went there and I did see her. But I wish I didn't...

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now