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Gerd-anne-:" Tell us sweety."

Laure-:" Well, tomorrow when you go to Turkey, can you leave me in my country since it's so close?"

NO NO NO NOT AGAIN. This was totally what I was thinking about.

Marcus-:" Laure not again. What do you want to do there?"

Laure-:" I want to visit my parents' graves."

Marcus-:" So that's why you were happy when I told you we are going on tour. I knew something was wrong."

We didn't talk at all for the next few minutes. But suddenly dad broke the silence:

Kjell-Erik-:" How will you know where your parents are? And where are you going to stay? You haven't been there for 4 years!"

Laure-:" But I still remember everything and I won't get lost. "

Kjell-Erik-:" Fine but you won't spend your night there, after the concert we will take you ok?"

Laure-:" Fine with me thank you."

M & M-:" But dad..."

Kjell-Erik-:" End of discussion boys. Hopefully she will be fine I know Laure is brave."

She smiled and went to her room.

Laure I am so worried about you. This is really a bad idea!

I went to bed but I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was her. What if she got shot by a gun, or died due to an explosion like her parents? I am not looking forward to tomorrow at all. I am afraid it will be the day when I will lose the love of my life.

~The next day~

We got in our private jet and I could feel that everyone was afraid of what will happen today. I tried to talk with Laure so she could change her decision but she didn't.

5 minutes til we arrive to her country. I spent those few minutes holding her hands and kissing her on the cheeks because who knows? Maybe those will be the last kisses ever. I tried not to cry but I couldn't. She looked at me, wiped away my tears while saying with a smile-:" I will be fine Marcus don't worry. See you tonight?"

Marcus-:"Hopefully. Be careful Laure."

She took her stuff and before leaving,  she looked at Martinus and I and said:" Thank you boys! You were my friends and that's more than I've ever got."

Then she disappeared. Will I ever see her again? I hope so. I started to cry like a little kid so Martinus came and hugged me: " She'll be fine." He said but I couldn't believe him.

After that we went straight to Turkey. We had our concert but it was so obvious that I wasn't concentrating. Laure was all I could think about. Martinus pinched me several times on stage so I can focus again. I tried but I couldn't.

Finally this night was over so we could go to get Laure. I waited backstage for Martinus to get ready like usual. I waited forever he takes so much time to prepare himself. I decided to turn on the radio and that's when I heard the news that turned my life upside down:

~we are so sorry to inform you that a rocket came and landed in Soror. The ambulance is trying to help all the victims. Pray for them.~

(A/N just pretend that Soror is a country because I didn't want to write the name of a real country and say that there are wars there)

Oh no that's when Laure went. My heart started to beat pretty fast. I was sweating and I felt really dizzy. Dad heard the news too and tried to comfort me. I hope she is okay! I hope she's not one of the victims!

We directly got in our private jet in our way to Soror.

After a couple of minutes, I will be either so happy to see her again, or totally broken.


Sad part sorry! But let's forget all this and celebrate my birthday lol😂😂 Today is 16th of August = My birthday!!

I am finally the same age as Marcus and Martinus! That's right I am now 15😱😱😘😘

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now