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We arrived there and I directly ran to find Laure. My dad was yelling at me but I didn't listen. I searched for so long but I didn't find her. My parents asked the ambulance if they saw her after showing them her picture but they didn't, so I continued searching...

Suddenly I spotted a black stuffed animal that looked exactly like Snoopy, I went there and it was really the dog I gave to Laure as a present. There was someone holding it but I couldn't tell who he or she was because there was a huge rock over him or her. I hope that's not Laure! I called Martinus and my parents to help me lift that rock and they did.

After lifting it, I directly recognized the person who was right under it.

Marcus-:" NOOO laure please wake up. You promised me you won't leave me. Wake up Laure you are too young to die. What about our plans together huh? Laure stop playing with me open your eyes. I beg you please open your eyes. Laure,Laure..."

And I cried my eyes out. She left. She LITERALLY left this world. I continued shaking her wanting her to wake up but she didn't.

Martinus-:" Marcus it's over. But don't worry she is in a better place right now. What can we do? This is what we call life."

People crowded around me. I didn't care. They tried to drag me away from her but I wouldn't let go of her. The ambulance came and pushed me away. I gave Laure one last kiss and left her... forever. I heard the paramedic saying:" She's gone!" like it was simple which made me cry more and more. This wasn't simple! The love of my life just died! The photos of her pale face and bloody shirt haunted my mind. I knew it was over I just couldn't take it.

I was so much in pain. I can't believe this is happening to me. Laure will be taken to Norway because her grave will be there. I couldn't help myself I kept crying.

Martinus' pov/

What we saw was horrifying. Laure died? She really died? It's so hard to lose your best friend. And what about Marcus? He just left the love of his life. I don't want to be in his place at this moment. I kept comforting him all day but I know that was useless. No one can make him feel better at this point but that's all I have to offer for him. Laure was taken to Norway so we canceled our tour and went back to Norway. Life will never be the same without her.

We didn't tell Emma that Laure died. We told her she traveled to another country to meet her parents. She cried because she'll miss her but she was so happy for her because now she'll get the chance to meet her family again. If only she knew the truth...

Marcus hadn't spoken a word since that day. He was only crying and sobbing all day and all night long. His eyes can tell how much he was hurting from the inside.

I hope that our world could be a better place. Why does there have to be so much hate in this world? This is so sad.

Marcus' pov/

Ever since I lost Laure I couldn't sleep. I went to her funeral and seeing her in white was too much to handle. Everyone was crying including her aunt Virginia. She was hurting so much...

I couldn't stay I just ran away. I was supposed to speak at her funeral and I wrote a speach for her but I couldn't handle it! I went back home. I entered my room, threw everything on the floor and kept sobbing and crying. This has became a part of me. I am officially done with my life. I started cutting myself but will that bring Laure back?

Is it over? I just want to know! Cause i'm reaching but where did you go?

Tell me is it gonna be another lonely heart tonight without you.

I am breathing but I am barely alive!
I'm dreaming of you by my side.
Now i'm broken, words are spoken, running through my mind
I need you but you're so hard to find...

Will you remember me Laure?

(A/N don't sing without you like you just did this is an emotional moment)


2 parts left!
Sorry the parts will get sadder and sadder...

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now