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We entered her house and I saw Aunt Virginia on her phone. Her face was pale and she was so shocked and scared. She even became more scared when she saw us, well mostly when she saw Laure.

Laure-:" Is there something going on?"

Virginia-:" No sweety go and change."

She nodded, kissed me on the cheek then went upstairs.

Marcus-:" Aunt Virginia what's going on?"

Virginia's pov/

The phone was ringing while I was cooking dinner:" LAURE ANSWER THE PHONE. Oh I forgot Laure is with Marcus. Hello Virginia is here who's with me?"

Unknown-:" This is the police. We have some bad news and we found your number in the victims' phone."

Virginia-:" Police? And victims?"

Police-:" Yeah Diana and Austin Ross! We are really sorry to say that there was an explosion and they... they passed away. I'm sorry for your lost."

I couldn't stand hearing these words. I started to feel really dizzy. My sister and her husband passed away?

Virginia-:" Are you sure please tell me you're joking."

Police-:" Sorry."

I couldn't control myself so I just cried and cried for hours. How am I going to tell Laure? How can I tell her that her parents passed away?

I heard someone opening the door. It must be them so I quickly wiped away my tears. She looked so happy but unfortunately she noticed my tears.

Laure-:" Aunt is there something going on?"

Virginia-:" No sweety go and change".

When she went upstairs, I started to think whether I tell her or not. But then i've decided not to tell her today. I don't want to ruin her happiness, or you know, let's not say anything at all, she lives here in Norway and she'll never know the truth.

Marcus-:" Aunt Virginia what's going on?"

Marcus' voice interrupted my thoughts. Should I tell him? Yes I should he became a part of our family . Plus I really needed to get this thing out of my chest.

Virginia-:" Marcus I want to tell you something but before, promise me that you'll never say anything to Laure."

Marcus-:" I can't promise you aunt Virginia I can't hide anything from Laure."

Virginia-:" Even if it was for her own good?"

Marcus-:" I don't know.... Fine I won't tell her I promise."

I trust him. He sure doesn't want to hurt her so he won't speak a word.

Marcus pov/

I was super worried. What is that important thing that Laure shouldn't know about?

Virginia-:" Marcus, the police called and they told me that... that Laure's parents have died due to an explosion."

Marcus-:" WHAT?"

Virginia-:" Marcus don't raise your voice. If Laure knew, she'll die, she'll be broken. Specially because she wanted to go and see them but we didn't let her go."

Marcus-:" Now what are we going to do we can't hide the truth forever."

Virginia-:" I really don't know."

How am I supposed to hide this truth from Laure? Oh Laure! What did you do to deserve all this pain? But aunt Virginia was right, if Laure knew, she'll go after her parents and maybe she'll die. I can't let that happen I love Laure and I don't want her to get hurt. But also she won't forgive me when she'll discover...

Marcus-:" I can't believe what is happening to Laure, first she lost Brooke, then she was forced to live in Norway and now her parents passed away."

Laure-:" What? They passed away?"

Aunt Virginia and I both turned to see Laure behind us. We were in a bigbtouble! What are we going to do?

Virginia-:" No honey this is just a misunderstanding. They didn't pass away."

Laure-:" Stop lying I heard Marcus. He was talking about my horrible life and said that my parents passed away."

Virginia-:" Nooo that's not true ask him if you want."

Virginia why did you do this? I looked at Laure who was about to cry and who was chocking on her own words while asking me:

"Marcus, you would never lie to me, is it true? Please... I beg you don't lie to me..."

And she cried harder and harder. Am I going to tell her? Or just lie to protect her?

Will You Remember Me?... Marcus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now